Snow White Pt.2 (Seventeen S.Coups)

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"Will you stop smiling like an idiot there?!" Seungcheol always being an antagonist to your life strikes again, "If you already forgotten, we still need to finish the script tonight so stop spacing out there!" He lectured as he shook his head and turned his attention back to his laptop.

You're on his room finishing the script and the design for the costumes you'll wear on the play.

"If I know you're just bitter because you're not the lead, once again." You snorted trying to get on his skin like he always do to you, time for payback you've thought, "Don't be so upset, you know being the evil queen suits you well anyways." You added gaining piercing death glares from him. You then stuck your tongue out of him and continued helping him with the script.

You sometimes question yourself if why are you in love with this grumpy guy instead of the prince-like Wonwoo. Probably because you're stuck with him since you're kids that's why you don't have other choices. And if you met Wonwoo first, things might be different.

After a couple of hours of working and some bickering with just little things you finally finished the script. You both lied down on the floor and stretched your back and extremities. You then turned to Seungcheol who's lying next to you. He's lying on his arms while his eyes were shut close, you can also see a curve on his lips indicating that he's smiling.

He's actually a nice guy, and a friend. He just have temper problem and very strict but you can't say he's a bad person at all. Without noticing you were staring at him for long time already.

"Enjoying the view?" He suddenly piped up as the sweet smile he's wearing earlier turned to a complete smirk. You immediately diverted your stares somewhere else as you were snapped back to reality.

"W-What are you talking about?" You stuttered as you got up the floor. He then opened one of his eyes while you kept on looking at other direction trying to hide your embarrassed face.

"Hey Nicole, I have a question." When he called you by your name you felt your heart pounded like crazy. He rarely call you by your real name, it's either Vice President or most of the time it's just hey, you, oi that pissed you most of the time.

"W-What is it, S-Seungcheol." You can't also call him by his name properly because just like him you usually don't call him by name. He got up from the floor and now sitting in front of you and the distance between you was not that far, your knees were clashing into each other.

"Do you really like Wonwoo?" You arched your eyebrow with his sudden question, "You always act disgustingly cute and even calls him oppa though he's just older by you by month while me that's year older than you never respect me, if you can even consider that as kind of respect." Your eyebrows were now knitted together thinking 'what the fuck is this rascal talking about?'

But thinking of it he's right, you never call him oppa not because you don't respect him it's just you really feel awkward every time you tried and for sure he'll just make fun of you if you address him that way. And about Wonwoo, yeah you like him but just a crush because unfortunately you're in love with this a-hole in front of you.

"Wait, why you asking? Don't tell me you're jealous, hm?" You teased as you wiggled your eyebrows on him. He then let out a chuckle and moved closer to you making you move away a little.

"Why would I? Like, who wants to be address by you like that? It's so disgusting and whenever you tried acting cute do you know how much I want to puke? I don't know with Wonwoo but for me what are you doing is a total turn off." The whole time he was telling you those b-shits you were clenching and bitting your lips trying to maintain your temper but you already had enough. He always tell you foul words but this time he went overboard.

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