Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It was my mum.

A tear was running through my face, "Mum." I ran and gave her a very tight hug. My hug was so tight that I didn't even know if she was breathing anymore. Just a couple of seconds later I remembered how I looked. SHIT. I bet she was going to notice it. My mum always notices when something was wrong with me. She's like a best friend. I love her, but why was she here, exactly this day where I feel so miserable? I literally felt like poo.

So far my life has been all about bad luck. Like seriously, there's not even one thing that went good on the start of this summer. It's only the start, imagine the whole summer.

It started bad off for Cara also. Cara is still a bit love sick, but she slowly is getting over that cunt, Dylan, which is good. I bet she's going to have a fabulous summer. She's very gorgeous and I bet she will find her summer love. She's very kind and trust me she can be really sassy sometimes.

Heather is just about having fun. Which is good, but sometimes she just takes it too far. like the day in Manchester. Just of me remembering that night gives me nausea but it's over anyway. I just need to forget that, that night happened and the same is going to happen to Niall. I need to forget him. OK, moving on now, Heather also gets a new boyfriend like, every month I bet. No, she's not a slut. She just easily falls in love. Over and over again. She kinda reminds me of Taylor Swift, not just on personality, but also on the looks.

Now talking about my mum. She's very small but she always wears high heels, so you don't notice that. She's naturally brunette, but she dyes her hair blond. She has brown eyes and she likes to wear large clothes. She's very protective over me, but she trusts me. Yeah, I love her.

Now about my mum. I couldn't go back, she already saw me, like this. My clothes, my face. There's no turning back now.

"I've missed you," my mum whispered into my ear. Her aroma filling the air. How I missed her this smell. I still needed to know why she was here. "Mum, what happened, is everything okay at home? Why are you here?" I tried to sound as less rude as possible. "Nothing happened at home, darling. It was mother's day last week and as I couldn't come, I'm here now. Are you okay with that? You look kind of worried, honey." I spoke very fast, "No. No. I just thought it happened something serious, but I see everything is fine. I'm glad you're here. How long are you going to stay?"  My mum slightly smiled, "Enough to spend a good time together. Does it sound good to you?" I needed to know the day and month. She knows I won't take her answer as valid, "Yeah, but I really want to know the date you go away. I need to know how much time I've got with you. I need to show you a lot here in Bradford." She said, "Only three days, sorry love." I rested my head on her shoulders and calmed down. Mother love.

I was happy to see her and I do want to spend time with her and show her everything, but I really felt tired and wasted. Not because I'm drunk or anything. I rarely drink. My emotions are so sick, it affects me, but the point is, she will leave again. Then she only returns month later.

 I don't see her often and that upsets me everyday. I just don't show it. I already had enough because of my father. It isn't my dad's fault that he has so much work and the thing about my mum is that she lives in America. Yeah, I'm American. I really didn't told you the reason I actually got to move to England, did I?     Well, it's story time...

..Don't think this is a holiday thing and then I will go back to America. It's not. I already live here in Bradford since one year. I study here with my friends. Why? The only moments when my dad actually got to be home, the only thing he did is fight with my mum. It was the only thing he did at home. We never did a family thing together. I've missed my dad's cuddles and affections.

I've gotten bullied in primary school and in high school all in America, but I always had my two best friends right by my side. Because of my best friends, I handled all this hate and I didn't cut myself or something to hurt myself. They made me strong and helped me a lot. My parents didn't know anything. I got home from school and went directly do my my homework. Everyday was the same routine. I stayed in my bedroom for hours. I just got out of my room to eat or to go to the toilet, nothing else. My friends always came to my house as I didn't go out. I was too afraid to get bullied again, but outside of school. That's probably why I'm the most responsible. 

My life wasn't really the best, but then I got eighteen and, Cara and Heather gave and proposed me a thing I couldn't refuse as a birthday present. Tickets to England. My birthday is on February so we still were in school. We needed to wait until summer and that was it I would be out of that life. I would miss my mum and sister, I know, but I really couldn't stay there anymore. I packed my bags on moved to Bradford, England with my two best friends, Cara and Heather. I think that is why Cara's boyfriend Dylan cheated on her. He didn't like a relationship where they couldn't be together. He told Cara that, but he agreed and then he fucking cheated on her. Ass. Better Break up than cheat. Cheat is for losers.

Well, we also are going to study here in Bradford, which is good. I want to change my life and it's working. I already had my first kiss and I've partied a lot. It's working, but it isn't getting better. Niall spins my head and aches my heart. He's the only thing that makes me sad right now.


My mum, me, Heather and Cara were in the park doing a picnic. Cara and Heather were tired as this morning my mum woke them up and obligated them to get up and be down stairs in 10 minutes. She's like a second mum to them, they know each other very well as Cara and Heather spent lots of time at my old house. My mum made all the food while I took a shower and got dressed. My mother didn't say anything about how I looked before. It's surprising because normally she always is so protective and a 'I want to know everything' kind. I guess she wants to spend good times with me, not stressing around and, Cara and Heather decided to ignore the unfinished conversation we had last night as my mum was here. Thank God.

This day is saved. At least that's what I thought.

We were having lots of fun. The food my mum did was great. I forgot about a boy and all my other problems. My mum is really the best.

On the other hand, I kind of felt so observed. I just felt someone was there watching me. I looked around the whole park and there's when I saw him. Niall. Please tell me it's all my imagination. Well, it wasn't, he was there sitting on a bank looking down with a snapback and shades, so no one would recognize him. He looked hot. Damn. Niall was in the same place as me. Why? Things started off good now, but Niall decided to show up and make my heart ache.

Niall showed me his index finger and wanted me to come to him. I stayed where I was. I'm not his maid. My phone vibrated in my jeans' pocket. I picked the phone and saw the SMS:

Nialler ;) - : Come here please, I want to talk to you about last night. xoxx

I ignored him. Ps: Niall wrote his name like that on my phone when he gave me his number, not me. My phone vibrated again. I read it:

Nialler ;) - : Please :(

Should I text him back? He put a sad smile, aww. No. I couldn't give in. Another SMS:

Nialler ;) - : Do you want me to come there? I don't want to be a bad person so, Please come. If you don't, I really will come to you. no doubt. x

Shit. I really needed to give in on this one. My friends and even my mum can't know about this and I bet, Niall perfectly knew that. Stupid Idiot, I hate him.

I stood up and said, "Excuse me, but I need to go to the toilet. I'll be right back." They all nodded. Good.

 I made my way to the boy, no more sitting on the bank. When I was close enough, I whispered, "What do you want, Niall?"

I don't know why I was acting so mad at him. He doesn't know what I want to do or what I think about him, but I just really couldn't control myself now. This isn't going to end up good.

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