Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"I just want to talk to you. That's it," he took my hand and tried to lead me somewhere, but I took off my hand. He can't just do what he wants with me. No way. "No. We don't have nothing to talk. Nothing," I turned around, ready to go away, but Niall grabbed me by my waist. "Where do you think you're going. I'm not done. We do have things to talk about, love. I have to give you some explanations, don't you think? It will only take 5 minutes."

Oh my, his smell. You could feel his scent spread all over his body. I felt in heaven, but also in hell. Make it stop. I don't deserve to go through this I really don't.

"It better be quick!" I roughly said. "Thank you, but not here. It's too conspicuous," He slightly lifted his hands, expecting me to take it. I just ignored it and said a little more gentle, "Whatever, just go." I only wanted to get rid of him in the most kind of way possible. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, that wasn't my intention. It's what I have been intending since I've felt something for Niall.

He led me out of the park, a place with less people. He took me to a narrow, stone path. On the side was a sign which said: 'Don't enter. Protected area.'

 We were walking too far away of the people, and I barely knew these streets. 

We were still walking. Now there was nobody and no house to see, only nature and lots of trees surrounded us both. I couldn't hear a sound of the park and people playing. Only birds singing and the wind blowing on the trees. I was getting a bit scared to be honest, "Niall, stop. Where are we going? I don't want to get any further then this. We'll get lost." Niall looked at me with a cute smile and winked, "Don't be afraid. I know where we're going. I'll bring you back safe and sound." He got to be kidding me, "I'm not afraid, but where are you taking me? You said you would only take 5 minutes and we're on the middle of nowhere. Talk to me now, we're already alone." "I know. We are very close now, just have some patience. Promise, love." I rolled my eyes to that, but I still followed him. What did he mean with the 'we are very close' thing? He only wanted to talk to me, right?

Ok, less talking more action...

There was a fence in the middle of nowhere covered with a lot of trees. Slightly weird, no? We went through this little wood door which led us to a huge garden. I couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes. On the right was a small river, it still had a bridge. On the left was a very big house. I mean, it was huge. Further ahead was a pool. You could see the reflection of the trees on the clear water, but most importantly right in front of me was a  picnic blanket with a basket on it. Oh wait...

"I prefer talking here with you. It's more calm and here no one can bother us," Niall was now behind, putting his head closer to my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "So. Like the place?" Omg, his voice by it self gave me chills down my spine.

"Yeah, it's chilled, but I need to go back. My mum and friends might be worried at this time now, sorry," I wanted to run away but I couldn't as I didn't know the way back. I just stood there doing nothing. Niall sat down on the picnic blanket and wanted me to sit down too. I carefully sat down. I didn't know what to do and to be honest I felt really awkward.

"What do you want to talk about. That's the reason why I" I harshly said. "Ehm, well I thought we could talk about of what happened yesterday here. In a calm place, you know?" Niall tried to look at me in the eyes, but I didn't let that happen, "No, I don't know where you're going with all this." Niall looked down, "I just wanted to say sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to kiss you and to apologize, I did this little picnic for you." Niall then looked up faking a little smile.

Wow, I'm a horrible person. This wasn't the thing I wanted to do. I needed to fix this, "Aww, thank you that's really sweet of you, but you didn't have to do this, you know?" I could see Niall's fake smile turning into a smirk, "No, I don't know where you're going," Niall then leaned forward and kissed my cheek, "Of course I needed to do this. I didn't even have the chance to take you home. You went away." His sweet lips on my skin. They would look better touching my lips. Anyway, "Yeah, my friends were worried about me and I think they are now. I want to spend the most time possible with my mum. Sorry Niall. Another day, yeah? You have my number, text me." I couldn't forget my plan.

"Yeah, right. Your mum." Niall looked a bit upset, but he knew the story about my mum. He understands the reason why I need to be with her. He has this problem himself. "Okay, let me accompany you." He stood up and held my hand.

As stupid as I am, I didn't took it away. I liked it. My plan still was on track. My plan is to not hurt my feelings because of him and stay away from him until he needs to go on tour. Then I definitely won't see him, but I don't need to hurt his feelings by this. It's just holding hands anyway. It isn't like we are in a relationship or something.

As we passed by the sign 'Don't enter. Protected area', Niall suddenly stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Ehm, there's one thing I need to ask you."  "Shoot." I stopped also. "Your friends, they don't know anything about me and that night, do they?" "No, don't worry. They don't know a thing, but they are directioners." I winked. "Aha, your friends are, but you don't?" Niall moved closer. We were only inches apart. Niall continued, but now he whispered, "How can that be? I hope you're starting to like One Direction or we might have a little problem with you." I swallowed. He was trying to seduce me, I swear. He put his arms around my bare waist. Now he didn't say a word. The way he looked at me, he was waiting for something...oh wait.

He wanted me to kiss him. Oh hell no. Does he know I feel something for him? Well, it doesn't matter anyway. My plan started and it better end my way. Unfortunately, I'm really looking forward to not seing him again. Once I have a thing in my head, there's no turning back. I always need to end what I started. I just hope it wasn't going to backfire in my face.

I put my arms around Niall's neck and gave him a quick hug. "Bye Niall. Thank you for everything." I waved him a goodbye and went back to my mum and friends.

"Where were you, are the toilets that far?" My mum asked. "No, I got lost. I might live here, but it's still hard to find the way back. I'll get used to it, mum." I explained, kind of.

I hated lying to my mum, but I didn't have an option, just as I had to lie to my friends. I needed to lie though. It's just a white lie, isn't it. I mean, it isn't that much of a big deal. I will never see Niall again, so who cares. Well, I hope I will see him only on posters or magazines, but only that.


My mum was cooking a homemade lasagna and it smelled so good. How I've missed my mum's homemade meals. Me, Heather and Cara were already sitting on the table. It didn't just smell good, but it also tasted damn good.

Now the moment I've feared since my mum came. Bedtime.

I know Cara and Heather want to talk to me and they will use all the chances they get to talk to me. Bedtime was the perfect moment to it. So I started to eat very fast.

As soon as I've finished dinner, I stood up, "I need to go to sleep. I'm really tired. Good night everyone." "Bye," they all said in unison. I rushed upstairs, hoping that Cara and Heather would delay on eating dinner, but on the inside I knew they would come seconds or minutes after me.

I was right. As soon as I lay down on my bed and covered myself, I heard the door knock. I didn't say they could enter. Well I didn't say anything, but Cara and Heather still came inside my room.

I quickly closed my eyes and pretended that I was sleeping. It's the best way to avoid this conversation to happen. I still heard both talking to each other.

"Should we wake her up?" It was definitely Cara's voice. "No, we need to talk to her, without her feeling tired or sad. She has to give us a hell good explanation about what happened all this week." Both were whispering, but I still heard every little word they were saying. "Yeah, but if we don't wake her up now, when do we have the chance to talk to her? We can't avoid this for more two days."  "Yeah, you're right Cara, but she needs to listen carefully. Cause she needs to tell us a lot, not just a quick explanation. I want to know everything. We are her best friends. We need to know this and help her out. If we need to wait until her mother goes back to America, then so be it."

Both of them went out of my room. As quietly as they closed the door, I still could hear the door knob turn and move.

I wanted to hear their conversation on the hallway, but humming was all I could hear. I couldn't hear them anymore. They surely went to their room. Now I just needed to sleep and wait what's going to happen next on these three days.

I bet that after these three days, it's going to be terrible. Not only because of Cara and Heather, but because of Niall and most importantly my mum. I don't even want to think about it. Thinking about it will only make me sad. Afterwards I love them, but unfortunately what needs to happen, happens. There's nothing we can change about it.

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