Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I saw 10 a.m on my alarm clock. Well, it's time to get up. I checked my phone and there was a text message from Niall two hours ago.

From Nialler ;) - : Good morning Jess. I hope you slept well cause our meeting is at 2 p.m if that's okay with you. If not send me a text message with another time, yeh? P.s. I hope I didn't wake you up beautiful. xx

How sweet he is, Jeez. Is he playing with my emotions? That...that...bastard. He just can't write beautiful like out of nowhere. Now, I got to think what I should write him back. I got to pull this off without making it awkward. He's in the friend zone, but he's making my job hard. Those eyes, smile. What's not to enjoy in that carefree little Irish kid? Ok, focus here. It's concentration time!

To Nialler ;) - : Morning Nialler. I actually did sleep very well and see us at 2 p.m then. P.s. You didn't wake me. I have deep sleep. xx (:

I think my text message looks okay, right? Ahh, Over thinking. I'll just send it like this, screw it. It's reasonable.

From Nialler ;) - : Good. P.s Haha, okay good to know. xxxxx

He replied pretty fast, just 5 minutes passed. Was he waiting all the time wîth his phone on his hands to me to reply? No, probably not...or maybe yes? Well, let's not think about it. Not good for my heart.

I kind of feel pressure. Why? I don't know to be honest. I'm just feeling really hot and sweaty right now. I'm still in bed rolled up in my blanket like a burrito though. I needed to get dressed. A lot to do.

So, I dressed up pretty quick and simple. Black jeans, red rolling stones t-shirt, red converse and I put my hair in a straight ponytail. I only put mascara and a light lip gloss. You know how they say, less is more, I guess. The nerves are coming. Do I look good with this clothing? Well let's hope yes.

I got downstairs and I heard two girls' voices from upstairs. Cara and Heather. Fuck. Time to run as fast as my legs could go. I needed to get out of this apartment right now. Why? Well...

- First, I don't want to talk about Cara and Heather. You guys know about what.

- Second, they can't know where I'm going. If they know I hang out with Niall from One Direction, they will freak out and annoy me with begging me if I could ask Niall to sign up their Album for my friends as they are big directioners. Trust they would would beg me to ask Niall to do this and I'm not willing to do that.

- Third, I want to go to Niall's meeting. There's no way Cara and Heather would let me go because I apparently always come back home late...sometimes crying as you may know.

- and fourth I'm sick of hearing Cara and Heather being stalking me, just because they want to know what happened at the club and the night I cried. Yeah, the fourth is the same as the first, but Cara and Heather are really the main reason for my escape now.

Unfortunately, you can notice when someone's left.

Ok, let's stop with reasons and explanations. I don't want to be a drought one now. Not the point.

I grabbed my phone, keys and some money and opened the front door as quick and low as possible.

I'll take breakfast somewhere else. I brought enough money as I was sneaking out of the apartment to afford me that. A Hooray to me, but still. I'm so not ready today to have a date with Niall. Huh, I mean meeting.

I did my way on foot to the park where I was with my mum and friends days ago cause after that park, there's a street full of stores and restaurants. Yeah, the place where me and Niall had our first kiss. Weird to say this.

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