Love you bean

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Mine //

please pray for paris.

Liam's POV
It was a normal day for me and Niall except that we ran out of food.

So here I am at the grocery buying food for me and niall. Then I suddenly felt buzzing in the pockets of my jeans. I didn't have time to check who the caller was so I justed answered it.

"Lima bean don't forget to buy some doritos,strawberries and a few bottles of beer" said by person with a familiar irish accent. "And who may this be ?" trying to joke him, "duh its niall the bad boy" he said laughing "or niall the church boy"

"Okay okay im niall the church boy" he said with a faint of laughter," just be home soon im starving and...I miss you li"

"Nialler ive only been gone for a while,I promise I'll be home soon I love you baby " I said "ok bean I love you to bye "

NIAM one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora