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Ao3 // not mine

Helloooo...its me HAHAHAHAHA iM jOking lmao :(

Niall had always been sure he was straight. His whole life, he believed he was into girls. Until he met Liam Payne, that is. The two boys immediately clicked, and Niall knew something was different about this relationship.

After three months, he developed feelings for him and couldn't hide them anymore. When Liam kissed him on his front porch a month after that development, he was left dumbfounded and head over heels. He remembers his lips tingling, just like they do every time they kiss now. They became official two weeks later, and now, three months later, Niall was lying under Liam on his bed, stopping the older boys hands from unbuttoning his pants.

"Wait, Liam," Niall said shakily, pulling away from Liam's lips to look down shamefully, cheeks blushing.

"What's wrong babe?" Liam asked tenderly, pausing in his movements. He was slightly confused. Both shirts were off, and they were both very into the moment, so why wouldn't they take off their pants as well?

"It's just..." Niall stammered, trailing off to look away from Liam's worried eyes. Liam grabbed the blonde boys chin and forced him to look at him again.

"Talk to me Ni," Liam mumbled from above him, pecking his nose. "What's wrong?"

"I don't think I can do this Liam," Niall whispered, running his hands down Liam's bare sides.

"Why not?" Liam asked, and the look on his face made Niall want to punch himself for making Liam look so hurt.

"I just... S'not you babe. I... I've never done this... never slept with another bloke," he said nervously, avoiding Liam's gaze again. Niall ran his hands up to lock around Liam's neck as he stared at the window to their right.

"Oh Ni," Liam cooed, softly patting at his boyfriend's hair. "There's a first for everything, and I'd really like to be part of this first. But if you're not ready... It's alright. I respect that. But I'll be careful with you. I promise," he reassured Niall, who smiled and pulled Liam's face to his to kiss his plump lips.

"I want it, though. I want you to be my first," he admitted softly. "I just don't know what to do."

"It's okay baby, we'll take it slow," Liam muttered, kissing Niall's lips once more before slowly trailing down his torso, leaving love bites and nibbling the skin on the way down.

"Just listen to me and do as I say, alright? I'll make you feel good, sweetheart," Liam whispered against Niall's stomach, his warm breath giving the younger boy goose bumps.

"We'll start off simple, alright?" Liam promised, slipping his fingers under the waist band of Niall's jeans. Niall nodded and leaned his head back against Liam's pillows, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves.

Liam slowly skimmed his fingers along Niall's clothes dick, loving the fact that he would be the first boy to touch Niall's cock, apart from Niall himself. There was something oddly arousing about the fact that he was sort of the one to whom Niall gave the honour to be his first.

"I love you Ni," Liam mumbled, and it automatically brought a smile to his face. It wasn't like it was the first time Liam had said it, it's just that those words would never get old. And they kind of made this feel more special.

"Love you too" Niall choked out, hips bucking up to meet Liam's hand. "Liam... Touch me, please," he begged when Liam teased him by brushing his fingertips over his shaft.

"Alright. I'll take your pants off, okay? It'll be easier and will feel better," Liam warned, kissing Niall's belly before reaching down for the button of his jeans again.

NIAM one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora