1: Problems

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"Fuck you! This is all your fault!" Her father screamed at her mother. He was very upset and he probably didn't even know what he was saying, he definitely didn't mean it. It wasn't her fault that their son had been taken from them, killed.

Mikayla walked in just as a bowl of Cheerios was thrown across the room. The bowl hit the wall with a crash and Cheerios were everywhere. Her dad had smoke coming out of his ears and her mom had tears running down her face.

"What the hell!" Mikayla yelled as she ran to her mother to make sure she was ok. When she was sure she was fine, she pulled her dad out of the room. She said, "You can't do that! You know it isn't her fucking fault! What's the matter with you?"

He didn't answer. He just stood there looking down at the floor in shame. She shouldn't have to treat her parents as childeren, cleaning up their messes and telling them what to do. It should be the other way around.

She ran to her room, a few tears dropping down her face. But she can't cry, crying doesn't help anything. So she sucks it up and gets dressed for school. She wears a black sweater that is 2 sizes too big and black skinny jeans. People think she is some emo punk when really, she just likes the color black.

She walks to school, noticing a moving truck at the house across the street. Nobody has lived there for ages an she thinks it will be nice to have a new neighbor. But it wasn't the moving truck that got her attention, it was the boy next to it.

He was beautiful, but not in the normal sense. His pale skin contrasted nicely with his black hair and there was definitely something off about him, but Mikayla was more focused on the purple orbs of his eyes. It was then that she realized she had stopped walking to stare and continued on her way. He looked about her age, maybe he goes to the same school as her...

She didn't realize that he was staring too.


She walked up onto the grass of her school, even if she wasn't supposed to, and prepared herself for another day in hell. She didn't like school but tolerated it because in other countries kids had to go and work all day instead of school.

She walked through the doors, thinking about her parent's argument this noting and what it was about. She knew what it was, but she just couldn't admit it to herself.

She was looking down, watching her feet as she walked down the hall instead of watching were she was going. She did this a lot but I corce, there were always consequences. Like the fact that she didn't see the spilled water on the floor by the the water fountain and slipped in it. She expected to hit the ground hard and prepared herself, but she never hit. She opened her eyes and looked up to see who might have caught her.

It was the boy from this morning.

The beautiful boy who had pale skin, black hair and purple eyes. So he did go to her school...

"Are you ok?" He asked in a deep voice. She thought it was beautiful.

"Yes, thank you." She answered shyly. He helped her to stand up straight and they awkwardly smiled at each other.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"M-mikayla." She stuttered. "What's your's?"

"Link Casey." He responded. He awkwardly looked around the crowded hall and then said, "I can't find Mr. Coppin's room, would you mind showing me?"

She had Mr. Coppin's class next anyways so she agreed, walking down the abnormally long hallway and down another, finally turning left into Mr. George Coppin's room.

She sat in the back of the room, telling Link to ask the teacher where he should sit. She waited for him to take a seat, staring intently and trying not to seem too creepy. She still doesn't completely trust him, there was still something strange about him, but she wanted him to be a good person just so she could get to know him a little better.

When Link finished talking to the teacher, he took a seat next to Mikayla because it was the only desk available.

Mr. Coppin taught English, and he was a good teacher, Mikayla just didn't like the class. She could hardly focus on a normal day, much less with a mysterious boy sitting less than 3 feet away.

"What did Lisa mean when she said this?" Mr. Coppin asked. "Mikayla?"

"Yes?" She asked as she looked up from the page she was scribbling on. She was obviously not paying attention.

"What did Lisa mean when she said, 'Be her diary,'?" He repeated.

She had realized he was talking about the book but before she could look to see what she meant, a voice answered the question for her.

"She meant for Amy to listen to what Dali was saying," Link said, "And to let her tell her everything she needed to, so she could lock it away and never see it again."

"Very good, Link. But it was not your turn to speak." Mr. Coppin said and continued on with his lesson.

"Thank you," Mikayla mouthed to Link.

"Welcome," he mouthed back.

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