19: Silence

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Jonny and Robbie didn't wait for Link to catch up to them, knowing it would only waste time. They raced forward, using their vampire speed and zipping past the cars on the road. Eventually they caught up to the red dodge, then slowing down so they were less likely to be seen. Originally, Jonny had been nervous about the people in the other cars seeing them, but Robbie had explained that the town was mostly composed of witches, vampires and werewolves, with the occasional ghost or poltergeist. Robbie and Jonny weaved through the cars on the road, nearly being hit many times.

Jonny then had an idea.

He grabbed onto Robbie's hand and dragged him forward to the dodge. They crouched down as far as they could wile still being able to run as they got closer and closer. Jonny then said, "Now!"

They crawled forward and under the car, hanging onto the pipes so the wouldn't fall off as it carried them wherever it was going.


A single tear rolled down Mikayla's cheek as the car drove away from Link. Sara told her she wasn't allowed to talk anymore. She wanted to, but she simply couldn't. She didn't know why, though Sara clearly did, as she drove fast down the road.

Looking in the rear view mirror she said, "Shit, they're tailing us."

She sped up the car and weaved past the other vehicles on the road. Mikayla didn't like this one bit, wanting to yell at we to slow down, but she couldn't. The speed at which the car was moving was much too fast for her to jump out safely. She thought she might make her crash into a tree, but they were in the middle lane. She wanted to knock her out and take control of the wheel but she knew Sara was stronger than her. All she could do was cry and hope that whoever was tailing them saved her.

But who was tailing them?

She looked behind the car, her eyes widening when she saw Jonny running behind them, somehow keeping up. It wasn't just Jonny, though. There was another boy with white-blond hair and pale skin. From the car Mikayla could see that his eyes was purple just like Link and Jonny...

She tried to yell for them but failed, forgetting that she wasn't allowed to speak. She had given up on trying to figure out why she couldn't talk, just accepting it for what it was and moving on with her life.

But then the boys were gone after than they'd appeared and Mikayla hadn't seen where they had gone.


Link had tried to run after the car wile he called Jonny an Robbie, but he was too slow. He knew that they would get there before he did, but that did t mean he was going I stop trying. He ran down the street, faster than he ever had before. He saw a boy around 13 years old on a bike and ran up next to him. He said, "Hey, I'm from New York and I drove all the way here for my friend cause she ran away cause her like was shitty and, so like, I need to borrow your bike so I can go and get her from a lady who kidnaped her, what do you say?"

"Oh, you've it it bad, don't you?" He says and laughs a little, not slowing down on the bike.

"What do you mean?" Link asks, confusion in his voice.

"The only reason anyone would do all this is for love," the boy said as he hopped off the bike and handed it over. He said, "Take it, you need it more than I do."

Link thanked him as he hopped on the bike and waved back as he road off. When he looked back at he boy, however, he was gone. The only other person he saw was an old woman with a purple dress on. She smiled at him and then vanished. She looked oddly familiar, as if he had seen her in a dream. He thought her name was Mystica, though he wasn't sure why.

He shook it off and continued riding down the sidewalk, swerving to avoid oncoming people and their dogs, some birds too. He was ridding at top speed for around 5 minutes before he saw the red Dodge again. It was weaving in between the other cars on the road and running red lights. He didn't see Jonny nor Robbie, but if he knew his brother, they were under the car.

He had almost completely caught up the the car when he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and pulled into the bushes next to the sidewalk. He screamed a bit when he hit the ground, but a hand was quickly clamped over his mouth and in front of him he saw a person. This person was pale and had piercing grey eyes, with a large nose and black hair. He looked angry and disgusted, a typical vampire who had to make contact with a human they were not going to feed from.

The man looked deep into Link's eyes and said, "Look at me," Link looked at him, "You will obey my every command until you are realeased. You must sleep. You may not wake until I say you may, is that understood?"

"Yes." Link said and fell fast to sleep, his head hitting the ground and his eyes closing and soft snores leaving his lips.

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