14: Leave Us Alone Julian

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Jonny was disappointed when the pink haired girl didn't turn around. It really looked like Mikayla but she didn't seem to have recognized that he was talking to her at all.

"Maybe it wasn't her..." He whispered to himself. He went inside, his happiness from the previous phone call had died down when it wasn't Mikayla and he had gone back to being a typical vampire: sad, lonely, and (most importantly) depressed. He wasn't actually any of those things, but if another vampire saw him being the happy guy he really is, he would loose his 'street cred'.

"Jonny!" Link yelled from the bathroom. He sounded scared so Jonny ran in to see what was going on. He thought there might me a spider or something. That is very serious buisness.

"What?" He asked, walking into the bathroom and narrowing his eyes at the vampire that had his brother pinned to the wall.

"Well, well, well," he said looking up at Jonny. His fangs were out and blood dripped down his face. He said, "If it isn't Jonny Casey, here again to ruin my meal."

"Leave us alone, Julian." He said, trying to make his voice as deep as possible and his face dark and scary. He was taller than Jonny, maybe 6'5", and his black hair fell in front of his deep blue eyes. His Australian accent was deep and intimidating and he had a handsome face anyone would fall for without question, though Jonny would never tell him that. They had met about a year ago on one of Jonny's many trips to Georgia.

"But you see," he started, "I am very hungry and I don't really want to. I am 132 your senior and there is no way you could possibly—" he stopped and let out an 'oooff' type of sound when Link kneed him in the balls. Vampire or not, it works every time.

Jonny jumped into action, kicking Julian in the face and taking a chopstick off the counter from their dinner last night(don't ask how it got in the bathroom), plunging it through his heart. Julian turned to stone and then the mysterious wind that only comes about when a vampire dies blows away his body, now just dust.

After Julian had been blown away, Link fell to the floor, grabbing at his neck. He was bleeding a lot and Jonny that if he had come in any later, Link would have been dead or a vampire.

Jonny brought out his fangs, pressing his finger to the tip to draw a bit of his own blood. Vampire blood has healing properties. Jonny pressed his finger to Link's bleeding neck and it healed almost instantly. Link didn't like when Jonny used his blood on him, it always gave him weird dreams, but he knew that if he didn't let him, he would die.


On her walk back from where Mysitca's shop was, Mikayla was thinking about her brother, Alec. She hadn't thought about him in a wile. Things had been so bad at home she almost forgot anything was wrong with him. It's not like he was home much when he was alive, he didn't want to deal with their father, even before he started drinking and hitting them, so he stayed at his friend's house most of the time.

He wasn't a bad kid, he was just hanging with the wrong crowd. He was smart and charming and handsome, which he used to his advantage, and his "friends" persuaded him to use it in a bad way. The night he died was the day after Mikayla's birthday, which Alec had forgotten, so he went to the store to buy her candy because he felt bad.

He never came back.

As Mikayla recounted everything when she walked home, putting in her earbuds and listening to Im Not a Vampire by Falling in Reverse. She liked the song and, though it didn't match her mood, really wanted to listen to it right then.

She got to the gross motel a little later and passed the front desk seeing that someone actually does work there. The man was even more disgusting than the rooms. His tank top was sweat stained and ripped, his hair was greasy and his eyes were glossed over. And let's not forget about his breath.

"Whadaya want?" He asked rudely.

"You to brush your damn teeth..." Mikayla muttered defiantly after taking out her ear buds. The man apparently needed to see an ear doctor because he didn't seem to hear a word she said. She just walked down to her room.

She thought she heard some yelling from behind her, thinking it might be the desk man, and putting her ear buds back in. She rushed to her room, trying to show no signs of hearing the voice. Apparently she succeeded because the yelling stopped as soon as she shut her door.

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