8: Worry

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Mikayla ran down her street, trying to get away before someone saw and asked where she was going. She succeeded in this, turning down Crew Street and walking to the bus stop. She was sad that she had to leave Link, she didn't want to, but she felt it was the right thing to do so that he couldn't get more into her life and her problems.

She waited about an hour before the right bus came. She got on and paid, sitting down in the back of the near empty bus. The driver seemed annoying so she didn't says anything to him. She just simply took out her phone, pulling in her ear buds and letting Sum 41 take her away...


Mikayla didn't know that Link was worried abut her. She hadn't walked to school with him and he thought that her father might have hurt her. He was nervous when he got to his first class and she wasn't there. He decided to skip the rest of the day, who was going to stop him? Both of his parents were dead and had been since he was young. He had almost no memory if them, well, except a tattoo. He remembered a tattoo of an owl on his mother's left shoulder. He remembered touching it and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. But she was gone now.

He walked down the hall, nearly reaching the doors before the student hall monitor, Angelo, put his hand on his shoulder. Angelo was a nice looking guy, a compleat asshole, but a nice looking guy. All the girls wanted to fuck him and all the boys wanted to punch him, but not too hard, or else the girls would kill whoever was stupid enough to do it.

"Not so fast there, skrub." Angelo said to Link.

"What the hell is a skrub?" Link asked with a scoff. He knew what a skrub was, someone who failed at life, but he wanted to give Angelo a hard time.

"I'm not explaining this to you," Angelo said in disgust, "just go to class, it'll make my job so much easier."

"Just let me go, ok? It's important. And I know your secret, remember? I could spill at anytime." Link said with a smirk. Angelo's face paled. Nobody could find out. He nodded quickly and rushed off, hoping that Link wouldn't tell anyone.

Link laughed and rushed out of the school. He wouldn't have told anyone anyways. There is no use in making threats, why talk about what you were going to do when you could actually do it?

He ran all the way home, stoping when he got to Mikayla's house. He was nervous. He knew he could do it, though. He walked up to the door, knocking first, then opening the unlocked door when there was no answer.

He looked around. The room seemed to be empty, except for the large man on the couch, face unshaven, and he could practically smell him from there.

That was definitely her father, he thought.

He walked up the stairs quietly to where he assumed Mikayla's room was. He opened the door and peered inside. The room was messy, the bed was unmade, the air was stale.

She wasn't there.

"Fuck," Link swore under his breath. He looked around her room, he was going through everything, he could tell she wasn't ok and that if he didn't look for her, he might have lost her forever. He couldn't loose her. They may have only met a few days ago, but he felt such a strong connection to her, he couldn't explain it.

He could hardly ever explain anything.


Mikayla had been on the bus for hours. She had gotten on at around 6:30 and it was now 10:44. She was hungry, but she wanted to save her money and food. She didn't have much money with her. She needed I save it's much as possible until she could get a job.

She wanted to be able to forget about her hunger like she used to, but she just couldn't and decided to get off at a stop near Naples. She ran off the bus after she paid, going into a Burger King. She ordered a Whopper and was rude to the man behind the counter because he kept hitting on her.

"Will that compleat your order?" He asked. Mikayla noded. "You know," he said wile pushing a few more buttons, "I'd love to see if you had pink hair anywhere else sometime..."

"Fuck you." Mikayla said. She continued with, "F-U-C-K Y-O-U, fuck you. I have said that to you so many times, I'm not sure I can count that high, much less you. Are you def? Can you not hear what I'm saying to you?" She raised her voice, "FUCK YOU!"

Everyone in the joint had looked over at the two. The emo-ish girl with pink hair and the Whopper-flopper. It was a strange sight. It was none of their buisness, though.

The man behind the counter had finally grown silent, most likely from embarrassment. He looked like he was going to piss himself and them puke all over everything and everyone.

One of the onlookers started clapping. Then another, then another, one by one standing up and smiling and laughing and cheering. I had mixed feelings about this. It was awkward because I was in the spotlight, but it was nice because people were actually proud of me. Not just fake proud like Tammy, and not the half hearted proud my mother had given me.

This might be the best day of my life.

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