25: Swimming

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Jonny knew as much about where they were headed as Robbie did. He just wanted to find something to do other than just sit and watch Linkayla's disgustingly adorable relationship. They weren't dating, no, but he knew they would. It was just a matter of time. Jonny and Robbie were walking down the side walk in search of something to do. It had gotten late and was dark now, since it was 9pm. Neither of them had eaten since the day before and were starving so they decided they would try to find someone that smelled good. Vampires have a good sense of smell when it comes to blood, they could tell the blood type and purity of the blood from blocks away, but their sense of smell was useless when it came to anything else.

As their search for food went on, they were hoping to find humans but the town was filled with witches. They could try to feed on them, but it would be difficult seeing as they could use their gifts against them. Instead, they searched a bit more. They were growing tired, something that didn't happen often. Suddenly, Jonny's head snapped up, scanning the area before finally knowing which direction the run and taking Robbie with him. When they reached the target, they were just as Jonny had smelled: Female, early 20's, type O+, very clean blood. She was probably vegan, they tasted the best.

Jonny and Robbie were hiding behind a tree and waiting for no one to be looking. As soon as that opportunity opened up, they ran straight for her and dragged her back into an alley after covering her mouth so she couldn't scream. Jonny looked into her eyes and said, "You will not scream and this will not hurt."

He then promptly ripped into her neck and she didn't say a word. After a moment, he pulled away, handing her over to Robbie who grimaced (he didn't like O+)but still bit her. After he pulled away, he bit his own arm and put it to her mouth as Jonny told her to drink and she did. The holes in her neck healed quickly and Jonny told her to forget everything and go home.

Robbie felt bad, he had never liked biting people, but biting animals was not an option for them. Animal blood was different somehow and would kill them. He knew he didn't have a choice, but he still felt bad and that's just how Robbie was. Jonny was different, though. He had been a vampire for longer that Robbie and he had stopped feeling it. He hardly felt anything unless it had to do with his brother, and now Robbie, and that scared him. He didn't like that he was starting to care about him, he didn't want to admit it, so he kept it to himself as he took Robbie's hand led him away from the confused girl. They had been holding hands the whole night so why not.

They kept walking after making sure there was not blood on their faces, going nowhere in particular. That was until Jonny had an idea. He told Robbie to get on his back, which he reluctantly did, and they were off. Jonny ran all the way there and when Robbie saw where he was he laughed and asked, "Why are we at my old high school?"

"Because I thought it would be fun! I didn't know you went here though." Jonny said honestly as they walked around the back of the building, looking for a way in. Robbie spotted a window on the top floor that was left open and pointed to it before jumping up to it and climbing through the window. Jonny came through the window after him and closed it after him. He looked around, seeing they were in what looked to be an English classroom.

They left that room and were just walking around for a bit, talking about nothing and everything all at once. They really enjoyed that and were becoming quite close with each other. They really enjoyed each others company. Jonny had never really had a friend before, there was his boyfriend, Angelo, but he wasn't even sure if he could be called that now as he thought back on their relationship. Honestly, all they ever did was fuck. Then one day Angelo asked what they were and he said he guessed they were boyfriends. They had only been together for a month but Jonny knew that he didn't love him and he never would. He should just break things off but he was scared.

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