4: Makeover

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Mikayla sat in the living room nervously, looking around at the old looking pictures and trying to ignore the banging around in the other room, she has had enough fighting for one day. She had started remembering what happened in her kitchen and she just wanted to forget it.

Soon enough, it all fell silent and Link walked in. He said, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?" She asked, seeing blood on his clothes.

"I'm fine. My brother pushed me, I scraped my arm." He says, though it was a lie. He didn't like to lie but he couldn't tell her the truth, now could he?

"Ok..." she says and stands up. She walks over to him and says, "I think I should go home now."

"No," he said with a stern voice. He continued with, "I will not allow it. Your father hit you, you can't go—"

She cut him off, "I just met you," she says, "And you are trying to tell me what I can and can't do. I don't think so. One thing you should know about me is that I don't like being told what to do, so stop all that right here and now. Now, I'm going home. Maybe..."

"What do you mean, maybe?" He said with an annoyed expression.

"What do you think I mean?" She asks with a smirk, knowing this would piss him off, "Read into it what you want." And with that, she left, knowing Link was watching her. He shook his head and turned around, finding his brother staring at him with an evil grin.

"What did it say," Tommy says, his smile growing wider, if possible, "Humans are not friends. Can we eat her now?"


Mikayla felt bad for yelling at Link the way she did, but she was just a little upset because of everything that had happened that day. Still, she didn't really want to talk to Link, so when she left she didn't go home. Link was right that she shouldn't go home(though she would never admit it) and she wanted to do something fun and rebellious.

She walked down her street with a smirk on her face. Se knew exactly what she was going to do and it would make her mom sad, but who fucking cares at this point? Definitely not her.

She walked into the hair dresser's, looking around for her mom's friend, Nancy. When she found her, she walked over and said, "Do something with my hair. Do what you think would look good. Do anything you want."

"I age been waiting for this day since the first time you walked into my shop!" Nancy squealed and honestly, it annoyed Mikayla, but she didn't say anything because se was thankful she didn't ask questions.

She grabbed her hand, pulling her over to one of the spiny barber chairs, and sitting her down. She got to work immediately, looking over her face and thinking about her style. At the moment, Mikayla had long blonde hair and a slightly pale skin tone— though not as pale as Link's.

She grabbed an eye mask and put it over Mikayla's eyes saying, "It's going to be a surprise!"


"Oh. My. God." Mikayla gasped as she looked at her new hair. It was now cut shorter, going to just below her ears, and Nancy had dyed her hair— of all colors— a bright and bubbly bubblegum pink. Mikayla was surprised at how much she liked it. She hates the color pink, but loves it on her head, it doesn't have to make sense.

"Thank you so much!" She exclaims, something unlike her, and gives Nancy a hug.

"Anytime, darling." She says. "Now, with this whole makeover thing, I assume you will be doing other things too? If you need parental permition, I will be your mom."

Mikayla giggles and actually, she wasn't planing on it, but maybe an eyebrow piercing wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

"Thanks mom. Will you come with me to the piercing place?" She says with a hopeful grin.

"Most definitely." She says, "And get an eyebrow pierced. That would look great."

When they got there, they were immediately taken to a room in the back where a boy, probably around 25, with flaming red hair and huge ear gauges asks what she wants done.

She says she wants her right eyebrow and he nodds, having Nancy sign some of the permission slips and then prepares for the peircing.

He puts the clamp thing on her eyebrow and she winces at how tight it is. When the needle goes through, she can barley feel it, it just feels like a pinch.

When it's all done, she looks in the mirror at herself and her jaw drops. She never thought of herself as sexy, but now that's the only thing that can go through her head. She wonders how the kids at school(more specifically Link) will react to this.

She'll just have to wait and see...

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