17: Yes, Officer

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She didn't know what to think.

Should she go over to their room? Should she tell them that she was right there the whole time? She couldn't, not now, they'd think she knew the while time. She had to lay low. She grabbed her small bag and left for the job she said she would start today.

It wasn't too far from the motel and when she got there, the same woman who gave her the job was just opening. She never got her name before so she asked, learning that her name was Sara. She had graying blonde hair and sad eyes, though she seemed too young to have either. Her eyes were blue, but unknown to Mikayla, it was only from the contacts.


Link had a plan, they were going to all split up and look for Mikayla. But sadly for him, Jonny had a different plan. He was going to make Link sleep(seeking as he obviously didn't get enough after he made him sleep last night) and then him and Robbie would look together because according to Jonny, 'Splitting up gets everyone killed in scary movies. They even stick together to some degree in Scooby Doo and they're the dumbest fucks on the planet.'

"Ready to roll?" Link asked as he grabbed his bag. He looked really tired, and if it weren't for that, Jonny might actually feel bad for doing this twice in less than 24 hours.

"The only place you're rolling is into bed." Robbie said as Jonny grabbed Link's cheeks and stared into his eyes, willing him to become more and more tired and until, finally, he fell to sleep. He tucked him in like he used to when they were younger then turned to Robbie and said, "That sounded like something a corny superhero would say."

"Well," he said, "I am a corny superhero so...". This made them both laugh as they left the room and made a right toward the office. They walked by the window and saw that the mean old man who works there was sleeping in his spiny chair.

"So," Robbie started, "How'd you get nicknamed cocksucker?" Jonny nearly choked on his own spit, forgetting how he'd told him that the day before.

"Well, you see," He said with a little smirk, "I'm high school, I used to suck Byron Sullivan's dick every Friday under the bleachers. He didn't want his friends to find out he was gay, so he called me cocksucker every day when the rest of the team did, then it just kind of stuck."

Robbie stared, eyes wide at what he was just told. He asked, "A-are you gay?"

Robbie seemed a little uneasy as he asked this. It seemed like he was scared, though he was just confused. He didn't think Jonny was gay, he just didn't get that vibe from him, but then again he didn't know him too well.

"Yes, officer, I am indeed a flaming homosexual." Jonny said with a little laugh. Usually, he didn't talk about his sexuality. Robbie didn't seem like the type to gay bash, so he didn't see an issue to telling him.

"Oh," Robbie said, "That's cool." He thought the response he gave to Jonny was stupid, just saying that it was 'cool'.

"It is indeed," Jonny said with a little smile, "How about you?"

Robbie was caught off guard by this question. He didn't think Jonny would ask, though, he was hoping he would. He said, "I'm gay, too."


Mikayla was on her break, sitting outside on the sidewalk in front of the store. She was just shaking her head, wondering why she couldn't have just told them where she was. She know where they are, there is nothing stoping her, yet she just can't.

Or maybe she can.

She can, she just doesn't want to. Really, she misses Link more than anyone can imagine. She even misses Jonny, rude and annoying as he was to her. When she met him, it was a little refreshing to have someone only being annoying, as opposed to being mean or rude.

They are the only thing she misses about Misty Valley. As she thought more about the voices she had heard, she realized that one of the other voices was Jonny, but there was one that was unfamiliar. Link and Jonny didn't seem like the types to make friends too easily. Maybe the other person was helping them try to find her.

Maybe she should just go back to the one good thing in her life, it couldn't be too bad, right?


"Well if you don't listen to One Direction, then who do you listen to?" Jonny said— more like yelled— to Robbie. When he had said he didn't like One Direction, Jonny had been outraged. Well, not really outraged. Just a little 'yelly' as Robbie put it.

"I listen to a lot of things!" Robbie said, "And I never said I hated them, I just don't listen to them. I do listen to All Time Low. I just love Kids in the Dark."

"Now there's something we can agree on." Jonny said. They both laughed a little, a sweet silence growing between them. They were quiet for a little while, occasionally brushing arms, goosebumps raising to the surface of Robbie's skin.

Then, the silence was broken.

Jonny's phone was ringing. He took it out to see who it was, Robbie watching the entire time because what else was he supposed to do? The screen read, ANGELO.

"Who's Angelo?" Robbie asked, a little curious.

Jonny answered with what Robbie was hoping he wouldn't. He said, "He's my boyfriend."

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