3: Jonny

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Eventually, Mikayla did have to go inside. Her and Link had been sitting on the grass talking for around 15 minutes and she knew she should go.

Link had offered to let her come to his house for a little wile but she nicely declined his offer, knowing he didn't mean it sexually.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Link said— more like asked— Mikayla.

"Yeah. Today was nice. I'll see you tomorrow." She opens the door, stepping inside, and waving one last awkward wave before shutting the door of her house.

She turned around, seeing her mother sitting in a chair in the kitchen. She asks, "Where is dad?"

"On the couch," she said sadly, glancing at him, "He was drinking again."

"Oh," she said. She didn't like it when her father drank. When he drank, he hit her and her mother, though she would never tell anyone. Because she still thinks it is her fault her brother is gone.

She thinks that everything is her fault.

And at that moment, she noticed the small bruise on her mother's cheek, her eyes filled with tears.

"Mom," she says, "I don't know if I can do this anymore. We need to leave him. Oh god, this is all my fault."

"No, Mikayla," her mother says with a sigh, se didn't deny that it was Mikayla's fault, "He is a good man, just not wile—"

"Just not while he's drinking?" Mikayla shouted, "Just not wile he's drinking! Not when he's hitting us and drawing blood and laughing!"

"Please calm down," her mother pleaded but she was already too angry to stop. Angry at her mother, angry at her father, angry at Tammy...

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down," she says loudly. She continues to yell about everything and nothing, not noticing her father waking up.

He walks over, out of sight from Mikayla, and her mother was too busy crying to notice. He was still mad from earlier, when he first got drunk, and was ready to hit his daughter.

He taped her shoulder, her turning around and getting a fist to the face, blood instantly gushing from her nose. She screamed, so loud she was sure the whole street heard it, and then began to cry, curling into a ball on the floor and staying there until she was picked up and carried out of her kitchen.

When she looked up, she saw Link was holding her, taking her out of her house, across the street, and into his.

"It's all ok now," he said, "He can't hurt you now."


She wakes up confused and disoriented. She doesn't know where she is and she doesn't like that. Nobody is in the room with her, but just as she is about to go and look around, ignoring the pain in her face, the door swings open.

A boy, probably a few years older than her, walks in. He is tall and thin, attractive, but angular. His dark hair and purple eyes remind her of Link.

"Who are you? Where am I? Why did you take me?" She asks frantically, looking around the room with wide eyes.

"Well," he starts, "I am Johnny, you are at my house, and I didn't take you."

"Ok, but if I'm at your house then didn't you take me?" She says, trying to use her common sense to figure out why she was here.

"Maybe it was my brother, he probably brought you back for a snack. You are bleeding, after all." She didn't know what he meant but she didn't want I know. She just wanted to get out.

She quickly glanced at the door, he had stepped out of it to walk closer to her, and ran. She didn't make it far before Jonny grabbed her by the waist an threw her on the bed, laying on top of her.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asks with a sly grin.

"Get away!" She shrieks as she tries and tries to squirm away. She makes no progress.

"Jonny let her the fuck go!" Says another voice form the door. Mikayla looked over, seeing Link in the door way and relief washing over her. Jonny lets her go, Milayla jumping up and running to Link.

"Link, what's going on?" She whispered.

"I'll tell you everything in a minute," he says, "Just let me talk to my brother for a moment. You can wait in the living room."

Hesitantly, she nodded and left the room. It took her a minute to find the room, the house ring unfamiliar to her, but she eventually did. And when Link was sure she was gone, he began to lecture his brother.

"How dare you!" He yelled speeding over to him and attempting to punch, his fist being caught.

"How dare me?" Jonny said with a sly grin, "How dare you bring food into this house and not share,"

"She wasn't food! She was hurt and she is my friend!" He yelled back. He tried to kick this time, his attempt failing once again.

"You always were the stupid one," Jonny said. He pushed Link back onto the bed, just to prove he was stronger. He laughed when he fell off. He continued with, "Humans are not friends."

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