21: The Lord of North Carolina

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"The fuck are you?" Mikayla asked. She didn't know who this beautiful stranger was, but she didn't get the best vibe from him. He seemed full of himself, and yet oddly charming, like her father the one time CPS was called. This man didn't seem abusive, though. He seemed like he would care for the people he loved. Though Mikayla could be wrong, she was getting all this from his face after all.

"I am Alastar Slade, Lord of North Carolina, and you are Mikayla Tate from Misty Valley, New York. Your father became an alcoholic after the," He paused for effect, "tragic death of your brother. He became abusive and your mother was no help, so you ran away."

"Oh so now I have a stalker, isn't that just wonderful." She said back before remembering what he had said, "And what do you mean you're the Lord of North Carolina? That's not how the government works, you know. And--- how am I talking?"

She realized she had been talking the whole time, not knowing that she hadn't just knocked Sara out, but she had killed her. Sara hadn't eaten since the night she was turned three days prior, and she was weak. She didn't have anything to keep her alive(as alive as a vampire can be) and couldn't heal. Just as Mikayla was about to ask why she could talk now, Sara's motionless body turned to stone, a mysterious wind blowing her away and into ashes.

Mikayla screamed, turning to run away and then realizing there was no where for her to go. The room was small and the only window was a skylight too high for her to reach. She turned back to face Alastar but was confused to see he wasn't where she left him. She quietly asked, "Where did he go?"

"I'm right here, darling," Said a voice from behind her and she shrieked in fear as arms snaked around her waste and gripped her hips hard enough to leave bruises on her skin that was finally starting to heal from her father. She was so scared she cried for the second time that day, though not as hard as before. Before she could do anything else, glass was shattering and two people where jumping down from the skylight.


The pounding in Link's head had finally died down and he could focus on the what the vampires around him were saying. He could hear them yelling horrible things, most about 'The Pink Haired Girl' who he could only guess was Mikayla. To him that meant they had her. To him, that meant there was hope.

Link tried to sit up but remembered he was chained to the floor when he felt the metal digging into his wrists. He must have been pulling on the chains before because his wrists were previously bruised, bleeding slightly. The only thing he could think was that he was bleeding in a room full of vampires.

"Let me go!" he yelled over and over until his throat was raw and it hurt to yell. All the vamps did were laugh and tell him to shut up. He didn't know what else he could do but yell some more. This time, though, the words he yelled changed, as he said, "Where is Mikayla!"

The room was silent after that. None of the vamps knew what to say, some didn't know who Mikayla was, not realizing that she was 'The Pink Haired Girl'. Others thought it was a question best answered by Lord Slade (you were never to call a lord by his first name), seeing as he was the only one who knew were she was and he might not want Link to find out.

"Stop talking!" The vampire that kidnapped him said in a booming voice as he stepped forward from the crowd, being the only one brave enough to speak. He slowly walked over to where Link was on the floor, taking out a small key and kneeling down on the ground, beging to unlock the cuffs on Link's wrists.

"Why are you unlocking me?" Link asked, he didn't understand why he would do such a thing being the enemy and all.

"You want to see Mikayla, yeah?" The man said with a smirk, "Well, then you have to fight for her."

"Do you think this is a good idea?" A girl standing in the crowd said. She looked like the first man, though with softer features and much shorter. She had a worried look on her face as she said, "Lord Slade might be upset."

"Why should I care about Lord Slade?" He said with a grin, "Cynthia, the worst he could do is kill me!"

The crowd was laughing until she said, "What if the boy wins?"

"How could he possibly win?" He said, "He is a mere human!"

"He has the eyes, Benjamin! Just look at him!" she yelled over the laughing crowd, them quieting down once again and looking to the boy's eyes. They saw she was correct.

"What are you?" Asked a man in the crowd, Link couldn't see him.

"I'm only 17, I don't know yet." He said sadly, it was upsetting for him to talk about. He would be 18 in a few months, but for him, a few months was a long time. And right now, it didn't look like he had a few months left. He could hear Cynthia and Benjamin whispering to each other, arguing about weather or not they should fight him. Link's heart was beating out of his chest and he could hardly breathe. He was scared, but he wasn't scared enough for his body to be reacting the way it was. He was sweating bullets and his heard hurt a little worse than before. he felt a sudden rush of energy and pulled against his restraints, somehow snapping the metal. He exclaimed, "What the hell?"

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