While it tossed and turned in midair like someone who was trying to fall asleep but wasn't even tired, I found myself wishing, wanting, praying that it would fall on heads. I didn't know why and I wasn't sure if I liked what I was feeling. Harry was right. She was nothing but trouble. But, at the same time, so was Niall. We couldn't do this without her.
I caught the coin and saw that my prayers were not answered the way I longed for the to. It landed on tales. I closed my eyes and sighed. I had to break the news to poor Nialler. It was really a pain seeing him sad, even as I pictured it on my mind. "She stays," I told them quickly before briskly walking to open the door.
Why I did what I did, I don't know. Why the girl was still standing right outside my door, I don't know. Why she wasn't crying, I don't know. Why I expected all of these things, I have no idea. All I knew was that there wasn't any runny nose or swollen eyes or even an attempt to escape once I opened the door.
She lifted up her head from her arms, which were hugging her legs pressed on her chest. A hint of a grin glinted on her face. A strong one, this girl. "Can I come in now?" She asked, still managing to find her playful side. "The hallway really isn't an ideal place to think."
A smile formed on my face hearing that she wasn't too upset. "Well," I said, tagging along, "What were you thinking about?"
"About how much my ass hurt from sitting on the floor," she snapped back, not unkindly. She wasn't a bad person, I knew that. I also knew that she wouldn't hurt us, not even if she tried. I gestured towards the open door and from that, she pounced on me so suddenly I didn't have time to prepare myself from the force.
Her grip on my was so tight around my neck and she wouldn't let go. After a while, once my state of shock was over, it felt nice. Warm, even. Like drinking a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter's night or listening to your favorite song after a bad day. I hugged her back.
The sound of the annoyed tone of Harry's voice caused us to let go of each other almost instantaneously. Embarrassed that they were watching, I cleared my throat, maintaining my composure. The girl, on the other hand, seemed cool as a cucumber as she raised an eyebrow at Harry.
"Are you gonna hug or are you gonna help?" He asked, obviously irked. This only made it more fun for her. His irritation of her entertained her like a romantic comedy.
She scoffed, "Are you gonna watch us hug or are you gonna yell at Niall some more?" Oh, this was on between them two. The next 28 days before the tour will be filled with witty repartees tossed around while Niall and I sat back and relax from the free entertainment.
"Are you gonna answer my question or are you interrogate me?" He stepped closer. Just about half a foot but that was enough to indicate that he was up for it. Niall and I exchanged looks and stifled laughs as we watched them. The girl loved that she was driving him on edge.
A smirk twitches in the corner of her mouth. "Are you gonna stay or are you gonna leave?" I heard a gasp. Or three. One was released from my lips. What was he going to do now that it was decided that she was staying? Was he going to abandon us just as Liam and Louis did? Or was he going to give her another chance.
Whatever he'll choose, I'd respect him. I didn't ask him to cooperate with the girl. I just requested that he'd help me figure this whole thing out. Forcing him won't result in any accomplishment. If he wants to help me, I'd want him to be sincere. I'd want to know that he was doing it on his own free will and not because it felt like the right thing to do.
With his unresponsive reaction, the girl went on. "Are you gonna answer on your own terms--" she took out a pence from her pocket-- "Or do you wanna flip for it?" Clever girl, using what we used to decide on her destiny for Harry's. Only, the coin did not decide on her destiny.
That was me completely.
"I think I'm capable of making my own decisions," Harry told her finally then turned to me, "And I'm choosing to stay." I didn't even notice the grin in my face until my cheeks started to hurt. "You're my best mate, man," he said as he gave me a half-hug.
It was already getting late and they all needed to go back to their homes. Harry asked Niall if he needed anything from the grocery because he was gonna go there to buy some crisps and dip. "The grocery is just on the way to Henderson," Niall pointed out, "You could split a cab with Kloe."
Harry laughed as if he'd just seen a dog humping an elephant. "I'd rather shave my hair off," he said before leaving the hotel room. So, it was up to Niall.

Rebuilding Zerrie
أدب الهواةWhat if everyone, including the very fandom you're in, hated you? That is what Kloe Sutherland is going through. One mistake can prove to change everything. That one thing she did caused One Direction to tear apart, for Zayn and Perrie to break up...