Running home wasn't the best decision I've ever made but that was better than staying there. My dad hugged me as I cried into his lap. It wasn't even the kind of crying that made your eyes sparkly and gave you this glimmer in your look once the tears stop. It was full-on hardcore ugly crying, face swollen, eyes red, groaning and all. All my dad could do was pat me on the back.
"Shouldn't you be happy?" He tried to cheer me up. "You got your cast removed, didn't you?" That was the amazing part about my dad. He wasn't being all up-in-my-face about how he was right. He warned me before that I had to be careful not to be their object, that they couldn't use me like a rag doll. But I didn't listen. I should have.
I replied him with hiccups for breath in between sobs. "I--" hic-- "Thought he really--" hic-- "Did care--" hic-- "You know what I mean?" Hic.
He did. Of course, he didn't really know exactly what happened and exactly who I was pertaining to but he knew what I felt. My dad pet my back as I screamed into his arms. I heard footsteps from upstairs coming down and then the person spoke. "What happened?" My mom's voice sounded concerned. "Is she crying about some fanfiction again? Is it After 2 this time?"
"No," my dad simply answered. "Worse."
Soft caresses on my hair always made me feel better. My crying slowed down and I was able to lift my head up from my dad's clothes which were now smoking wet. "There's my superstar!" He cheered and I couldn't help but smile. "Hey, do you want me to take you to L.A. this weekend?" He asked out of nowhere. "It might make you feel better."
Sniffling and wiping off the last of my tears, I nodded. "Sure," I answered, "But why L.A.?" Couldn't he take me somewhere more extravagant and away from here?
"Well," he explained excitedly. "My boss just told me that there was going to be this European group who I'm going to fly there." My eyes widened as I sucked in my breath. "I think you might know them," my dad added as he thought hard. "Crap, I can't remember their group name." Is this real? Was this true? Was this actually happening. "Little...L-Little M--"
"Little Mix?" I shrieked as I question.
"Yeah!" My dad pointed at me. "Little Mix with the crazy hair and British accents!"
I embraced my dad while squealing. I couldn't have been happier that my dad was a pilot. Oftentimes, I'd complain he was never home but now I was ecstatic. This was fate. We were never supposed to give up. "Thank you, daddy," I squeezed him tighter. "Thank you so much. I love you."
"I'm glad I could cheer you up," he pat me on the back. The only thing that kept rushing through my mind was that I had to tell the boys.
Right on cue, there were knocks on the door. They did not speak through the cemented walls but I knew it was them. Harry had told somebody most likely. That bastard. He made me seem weak, like I needed someone to deal with a problem as shallow as him but I couldn't think about that at the moment. I ran for the door and opened it to see the four of the boys with worried looks on their faces. They seemed relieved once they saw that I was smiling from ear to ear.
"You're never gonna guess what I'm gonna tell you," I built up.
We explained everything to my dad after I had told the boys the good news. He was fully impressed and dedicated to help when he understood the connection between Little Mix, the boys and me. My dad could get me a ticket (which he would be the one to hold so we could avoid all the drama), he'd make sure that the girls would arrive early so that Zayn could have the chance to talk to her before the flight took off.

Rebuilding Zerrie
FanficWhat if everyone, including the very fandom you're in, hated you? That is what Kloe Sutherland is going through. One mistake can prove to change everything. That one thing she did caused One Direction to tear apart, for Zayn and Perrie to break up...