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"Thank you Seoul!"

Jisoo waved at the crowd and widely smiled as everyone in the audience responded to her with a huge wave of support. Sonmi winked at the camera doing a little aegyo dance in the background until Para noticed and joined in.

"We'll be back shorty."

Sonmi promised talking into Para's microphone while trying to catch her breath. Hyemi high fived her unnies running around the stage and was the first one to go down to the backstage. The maknae immediately threw off her leather jacket freeing herself from the heat in contained and a few staff members rushed to her to help out.

"It's now or never."

Chaejin whispered looking at the monitor where the stage was being prepared for their performance. Juna patted her roommate on the back and squeezed her into a hug.

"We will be great guys!" Minah cheered and Enna nodded agreeing with the maknae. They both seemed excited as Nari just eyed the staircase to the stage from time to time. She seemed worried. BTS was nowhere in sight as they got down from the stage on the other side.

Suddenly Yoobi felt a tap on her shoulder and she quickly turned around almost smacking the person behind her with long locks of hair. However the girl who tapped her didn't seem angry at all for that. She just smiled.

"Good luck." Leutae whispered to Yoobi and suddenly tears appeared in the corner of her eyes.

"No, it's not okay." Yoobi whispered out of nowhere, Leutae glanced her confused. "It should have been our performance."

Leutae kindly smiled at her same age friend and pulled her into a tight hug. Yoobi buried her face into Leutae's shoulder and shook her head.

"Yoobi, look at me." Leutae asked, but Yoobi didn't seem to listen. "Just look at me." This time she almost commanded, but her expression was still bright even after those words. "You will always, ALWAYS, be our friend. But your place is here, with Militum. Go rock the stage."

Jisoo came closer to two of her friends and joined in the hug. They all heard a chareful chuckle and Sonmi jumped on top of the girls as they screamed and fell. Seulmi offered Yoobi a hand and she took it without hesitation.

"Leutae is right, good luck Yoobi." Seulmi wished for her and gestured towards the stage. Nari was eyeing the group from afar suspiciously.

"Thank you unnie." Yoobi bowed and ran to Militum, who were doing a one last cheer before performance.

"Girl power!" Without a warning Hyemi jumped on Minah's back requesting a piggy-back ride. Two maknaes seemed happier than ever.

"You looked amazing on the stage!" Minah complimented.

"I know." Hyemi waved it off playing cool, but soon Minah noticed her blushing.

"You know... without your help, half of our album would have never be done!" Minah glared at Nari, but her stare softened as she noticed how worried her unnie seemed.

"Oh come on, it wasn't nice of me to take Nari unnie's personal stuff, but hey, it really did help out in the end." Hyemi chuckled and pushed Minah towards the stairs. "Have fun!"

The maknae nodded thanking and joined her unnies. Juna protectively eyed her every step so Minah wouldn't slip climbing up to stage. Jessica was the last one to go up. At the last second she felt how someone grabbed her wrist and she turned around facing Seulmi.

"You got this." RBQ's leader assured newly baked Militum's headgirl. "Leading is in your blood, just believe in yourself." The older said few encouraging words and let go of Jessica's wrist. Just as it seemed that she can go up with the rest of Militum that was already looking around lost without their leader, Seulmi stopped and turned around flashing a smile. "Oh, I almost forgot. Don't let your girls burn down the stage, okay? Company's image is important."

She waved to Jessica. Seulmi could only see the bright smile on Militum's leader's face through the monitor as she walked out on stage trying to contain laugh that Seulmi's words brough to her.

"Good evening Seoul!" She shouted into the mic and the crowd went wild. "Are you ready to party?" Jessica smiled as audience answered positively.

"One...two...three..." Enna counted down nodding at Chaejin and they ran to their positiond making a star. The visual winked at the crowd from the middle of composition and without hesitation girls went for it.

"We never stop! Militum imnida!" They yelled as one and quickly they were owning the stage without bigger worries.

The title track was greeted warmly and with big passion. With a corner of her eye Nari noticed how few people already knew the choreograohy from their practice's videos uploaded to MilitumTV. She smiled to herself, but soon that smile faided away and during Yoobi's and Juna's dance break she stepped into the shadows grabbing onto her heart.

Enna immediately noticed it and almost ran to her bandmate leaving her usual position and trusting main and lead dancer to cover up for her with their powerful performance.

"Unnie, are you okay?" Enna asked worridly and Nari only managed to shake her head. "Do you need medicine?" She questioned again and Nari felt how dark was coming upon her eyes.

"I'll take care of her Enna, thanks." Nari suddenly heard a familiar voice. She looked up with hope sparks in her eyes, but it wasn't Bobby, who she expected to see out of the blue, Suga was standing there instead. Why did they seem so familiar? Why did they have to give off such similar vibe. "Ahh my butterfly, you're stronger than this, I know."

"I'm really not." Nari managed to disagree and with a corner of her eye she noticed how the dance break was coming to an end, she quickly straightened out and fire lit up in her eyes.

"I don't give a shit, I don't give a fu k, if you're think you're not strong enough." Suga suddenly blurt out bursting few lines in English and Nari's eyes basically popped out their sockets. "Okay, sorry that was harsh." He chuckled. "Where did 'We never stop' go? You got this my butterfly."

He suddenly pecked her on the forehead quickly running off to the middle of the stage and just then she noticed that the rest of BTS was standing on the staircase just as surprised as she was. Nari thanked all the gods she knew that camera wasn't on her and was recording Juna as she stepped out from hers dance break and started rapping to her solo track. Suga immediately joined in his trainee. Nari watched fascinated as she didn't see their rehearsal.

"You okay unnie?" Enna stepped closer to Nari and she nodded. "Shall we join the rest?" Enna pointed at Militum on the stage, where Jessica seemed to be realizing that they are one member short.

"You know what guys?" The leader asked as Juna ended her solo and Suga went off the stage throwing a glance towards Nari. "I bet you listened to our hidden track 'Ugly art' already right?" She smiled. "But could you call this girl is ugly?" Jessica chuckled pointing at Chaejin, who shyly stepped out into the light and Enna cheered, she immediately noticed that their leader was born to perform.

"I couldn't." Yoobi joined in Jessica's game and Chaejin blushed. "She's a visual for a reason!"

"Will you do some aegyo for us unnie?" Juna teasingly pinched Chaejin's cheek and she resisted the urge to slap her member.

"Oh c'mon we all know I'm the cutest member." Minah stepped in front. No one doubted that maknae was owning the stage.

"That's my baby." V whispered watching carefully through the monitor.

"The only baby here, is you." Hoseok shot back at the younger and Taehyung frowned.

"How about JungKook then?" He asked sticking out his tongue for the maknae like a real kid and Hoseok just face palmed himself as Jungkook didn't even notice the teasing watching Juna's stage's reply fascinated.

"Sorry to diss you guys, but it's my cue." Jimin made his way through as Jessica announced her next performance to be a collaboration stage with him.

"Such a show off." Jin clicked his tongue and waved at Gahye, who was having a conversation with Jisoo at the back. Rap Monster hugged his hyung from the back around the shoulders and smiled to Jessica whose face suddenly appeared on the screen, even known she couldn't see him.

"Let's just admit that you are all jealous of me and Jess." Rap Monster grinned and Jin mumbled show off second time in the row. But not everyone was in the lightest mood.

"Maybe we are." Hobi whispered eyeing Yoobi. "Maybe I am."

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