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Seulmi bit her lips nervously flipping through pages. So many hours has passed and not a single idea popped into her mind.

The leader of RBQ was trying her best to get out MinJin's and NamElle's never ending war out of her head. She was almost certain that siblings never wanted to stand in the situation they were now.

Seulmi frowned looking at the blank paper in front of her. She felt quilty for bringing MinJin here, but she didn't expect a scene. All she wanted was just a little bit of time with guy she loved, before she had to leave.

All of her things had been packed already. Passport, visa, any kind of document she will need was taken care of. Manager Jung made sure that her trip would be as easy as possible.

The only job left now, was the hardest one. How is she going to tell the rest of the girls. Five different faces flashed in front of her eyes. She loved them all as sisters and it broke her heart to think about leaving them. But she had to.

She understood Yoobi's decision to leave the group before the debut better than anyone. She just didn't tell a single soul, how muc she was supporting her old friend. It was a familiar feeling for Seulmi, which she was experiencing right now herself.

"May I?"

A voice from behind echoed and Seulmi jumped from her seat as she was too deep in her mind. She looked up at the person and it was MinJin. He flashed a smile and placed the coffee cup in front of the RBQ leader.

She thanked him silently and eyed her boyfriend while sipping the hot drink. Warm liquid ran down her throat and left a cozy feeling inside her stomach. She could clearly see inspiring sparkles in MinJin's eyes and was unable to understand, how can this person, who she loved so much, be so cold towards his own sister.

"MinJin, what the hell actually happened between you and NamElle?"

She asked straight forward not wasting time for meaningless preparations. She wished for answers and the person, who could have given them, just happened to sit in front of her.


Seulmi cringed from his tone. It was as if he almost spited those words out like they were bitter, like it was unworthy to talk about. She wasn't able to handle this attitude. Not so close before leaving.

"MinJin... I spend a lot of time with the girls that NamElle became a choreographer to. They were all hiding in the shadows because of one reason or other. And you know what I realized? NamElle was doing the same. She recognized familiar souls in those girls. MinJin, she would do anything for them. Because she knows how it feels. And you know who made her hide? You. You left her when she expected you to stay." He was about to interupt, but Seulmi stopped him. "You destroyed her, but those seven girls should be thankful to you. Because if you have never left, NamElle would have never became a fighter she is today. She would have never be ready to protect those girls from cruel world. I'm not saying you did the right thing, because you didn't. But you have to know, every story has two sides."

By the end of Seulmi's speach MinJin was shaking out of anger. She didn't expect anything else. She learned to put up with his hot temper, but this time she wanted to say everything she had locked up in her heart. Because after leaving, she knew, she will try to run from the past as well. Just like NamElle did. Just like all of the seven girls did.

"Where did you get all of that from?"

MinJin was almost shouting. He was outrageous. Seulmi however kept calm attitude. She had nothing to fear. She was about to leave all of this behind.

"She told me herself."

Seulmi admited and suddenly MinJin stopped shaking. He seemed as if someone had slapped him. But his face, even if sinking with confusion, wasn't angry anymore.

"Why would she do that?"

Because she knew I will tell you. Seulmi wanted to say, but kept quiet, she didn't want him to know that this was exactly what she thought looking at the painful expression on her old friend's face as she told her, about the girls, she would have done anything for.

"Because I knew I will be going through the same stuff."

MinJin's eyed popped. Seulmi was ready to handle the upcoming storm.

"What you want to say?!"

"I'm leaving MinJin. I will be flying to Europe, to the same academy NamElle attended."

Now older kid of Mister Min seemed broken. As if someone had taken away his reason to live. Seulmi shook her head and stood up placing the cup on the table. She took the letter lying on the sheets and walked to the door.

"What's that?"

He asked pointing at the letter.

"Words for someone very special."


"Suhan." He lifted his head. That name seemed unfamiliar. Seulmi glanced and sourly grinned. Of course it did. He had completely lost the touch with his sister's life. "You're my Suhan, I wish I could be your NamElle."

Seulmi whispered pressing the letter tighter in her grip and opened the door. A loud gasp escaped someone's, on the other side, throat. A short haired girl awkwardly gained her balance and froze.

Juna smiled to Seulmi and started slowly taking off to the oposite direction tha the exit was. Seconds later she started running and quickly took the turn, but Seulmi wasn't chasing her. She just stared in awe.

"What was that..."

She mumbled and suddenly felt a tight warm grip around her and a cold, scary gun pointed at her temple from behind. She gulped and blinked not turning around.

"You know, the sound of the shotgun is not that scary then you're on the other side of the trigger."

MinJin seductively whispered and Seulmi felt how fright is comming up her throat. Or was it vommit? She felt grossed out by MinJin's actions.

"I wish you could say those words then not hodling a gun pointed at my head."

She hissed as her mind was crossed by histerical thoughts. Seulmi had no idea where did NamElle's brother got the weapon from out of the sudden.

"Don't worry love, one day I will." He smiled and she felt it. Chills went down her spine. "I will, because you're not leaving."

He whispered into her ear and pressed the trigger. Seulmi gasped and collapsed into MinJin's embrace. He carefully pulled her head up on his chest and kissed her forehead.

"Empty shackle?"

She mumbled and he nodded.

"I wouldn't shoot my love."

He stated and closed the door.

"You're a psycho."

She hissed at him and MinJin smiled.


Hey guys, sorry if I won't be able to update on the weekend, which is most likely to happen, I have a lot of preparation coming up since it's my birthday and few of my friends' birthdays as well and my grandma's... in conclusion, many of people I know is Winter's kids xD
Anyways, I will be posting a new story called "My home" on Sunday, for my birthday! So please, I beg you to check it out when it comes out!

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