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"Ahh my keys!" Jessica hit her forehead with the palm and turned around on the heel before she was too far. "Oh!" She exclaimed bumping into NamJoon after opening Jyhoon's office door wide. "I thought you left for a battle?" He teased her and Jessica rolled her eyes grabbing the missing keys.

"Oh yeah, but I thought, how can I leave without saying a proper goodbye to you?" She shot back bitterly and her eyes stopped by the box on the desk. "What's this?" She pointed at the cardboard. "Don't change the subject." NamJoon made her turn around and Jessica fought back an urge to slap him. "Were you really going to leave me?" He smirked.
"If you keep on acting like that, yes." She hissed. "Now what's that?" Rap Monster stepped back frowning, even seemed defeated, but Jessica had other bussines to take care of. "Delivery for Chaejin, mind giving it to her?" He asked with slightly offended tone. "I'll hand it to her." Jessica grabbed the box and key's hit against the surface.

"Bye." She said to Rap Monster pushing the door with her foot. "But-" He was cut off as the door closed. "Aish that kid." Jessica unintentionally smiled to herself. "Why do I even like him?" She asked herself and lifted the box so it would be more comfortable to carry.

"He seems reliable." Yoobi popped out of nowhere flustering the leader, it was the very first time in many years that Jessica would get so carried away she wouldn't notice the person approaching her. "What?" She was about to stutter, but quickly gained back the control of her voice and Yoobi smiled. "NamJoon oppa seems reliable, maybe that's why you like him. For stability he can provide you with." Yoobi explained and Jessica tilted her head.

"You know this because...?"

"Because I see...more." Yoobi nodded. "Right now I can see that there is something deeply bothering you unnie." Jessica nodded agreeing and twirled the keys on her finger. She thought of going to the girls and calming them down so they wouldn't suspect a thing about the drama behind their backs. About what her father was aiming for and what was about to happen. But now hearing Yoobi say this, realisation stroke Jessica, and she changed her plans.

No matter how much she will try to protect the girls from cruel world, being their leader and older sister, sooner or later they will be hurt when she won't be around. Jessica couldn't bear that mind and she knew that out of all the things she needed to do it was definitely not strangling her father. Even if she tried to hide the truth from Militum they would find out.

She tossed the keys to Yoobi. "Yes, there's a thing that troubles me." She said with a mysterious smile and Yoobi rose her eyebrow. "I can't seem to count how many pizzas we will have to order for tonight's slumber party." She stated with a chuckle and Yoobi's eyes popped out their sockets.

"Slumber party?" She made sure and older nodded. "Not to forget that Nari will need some other snacks. And count guys in." She then added. Yoobi was confused, but more than happy at the same time. She glanced at the keys in her hands. "What are these for unnie?" It was Jessica motorcycle's keys. "Let's live while we're young. Wanna drive?" And Yoobi cheered, but quickly stopped.

"Wait, I don't have license." She reminded the leader, but Jessica just rolled her eyes. "We only got one life!" And Yoobi agreed with uneasy heart. "Okay, I'll hand this to Chaejin and you wait for me in the parking lot." Jessica commanded. "We're picking up Nari and we're having a slumber party of our lives tonight!" Leader announced and Yoobi ran down the stairs cheering.

Jessica made her way upstairs still smiling and pushed open the door into recording studio. Two gazes shot up at her. Juna was sitting on the ground playing ship battle with JungKook. She had her legs and arms crossed and seemed to be picking the strategy very carefully. She didn't even look up at the leader, instead JungKook waved at Jessica and winked at Juna as she was about to make a move and the girl stopped.

"Aish, stop making fun of me." She hissed. "I'll win this." Juna promised and BTS's maknae held his hands up in defence. "As you say my queen." He giggled and Jessica's stare shifted to Chaejin analysing the battle from afar. "Where's Minah?" Leader questioned and Chaejin pointed at recoding booth. "This is for you." Jessica patted on the top of the box and Chaejin rubbed her hands together curious. "I wonder what's this about."

Jessica heard the visual say while walking towards the booth. She knocked on the door and saw Minah stop recording, so Suga glared at the girl. "Why would you do that Jessica-ssi? We're working." He groaned disappointed, but Minah already took off her headphones headed to the exit.

"What's up?" Maknae grinned and hugged the leader. Jessica immediately returned the hug. "We're having a slumbed party tonight, how does that sound?" She asked and Minah squeaked. "Yes!" She shouted and everyone turned to her. Jessica didn't seem mad, instead she was strangely happy. "Everyone is invited." She stated and JungKook high fived Juna.

"If I won't win now, I'll get the revenge tonight." She warned him and maknae just laughed at it. Seeing everyone like that- happy and excited, made Jessica's heart skip. I can take care of my father later. She thought. Right now I'll take care of my family. She gazed the girls and boys with her sparkling eyes.

"Oh my!" Chaejin exclaimed as she opened the lid of the box. "What?" Juna rubbed her hands. "It's comeback outfits." Chaejin cheered fascinated. "Wait, we're having a comeback?" Minah frowned confused. Suga coughed awkwardly. "I didn't want to tell you yet girls... but NamJoon-ah managed to make the entertainment promise that the tour will visit all of your home towns." Suga giggled.

"Tour?!" Juna exclaimed. "We're going on a tour?!" Suga nodded and the girl started dancing a little happy dance. "Really?" Minah's eyes sparkled and she squeekd. "Really." Suga rolled his eyes and girls cheered in excitement.

"We will need more than snacks to celebrate it!" Jessica stated. "I and Yoobi will get them and you guys clean the dorm." Jessica went out the door before anyone was able ro disagree. "Unnie!" She heard an unsatisfied groan, but leader just chuckled under her breath walking away.

A tour and who could have thought? It might have been either a blessing to occur at this time, or a curse. Depends on how will girls use it. To clear their mind from the problems or to get rid of them. Forever. So much depends on this.

Character check:








P.S: Paper Hearts for NamJoon biased.

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