Chapter 3

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                Once we finally woke up we showered. I was starting to feel better. We went to the kitchen and ate a little snack and watched a movie. My parents went out of town on a business trip and left me a note on the counter. They left me some money and told me to treat myself to a shopping spree for school clothes.

                Eva and I got ready and made our second trip this week to the mall. While at the mall we ran into the two guys who we danced with last night. They both asked us for our numbers and we went our separate ways.  I could tell that Eva really liked Alex, the boy she danced with. I didn’t really like the guy I danced with. He seemed like he was a major tool.

                We finished all our shopping and went back to my house. School started tomorrow and I was waiting for it to be here already. Eva was staying the night at my house so we could get ready tomorrow morning for our first day.

                My alarm clock went off at six and Eva and I jumped into the shower. I straightened my hair and did my makeup. I threw on one of my new outfits and grabbed my book bag out of my closet. We went down to the kitchen where Nolan was already eating breakfast. Eva and I both ate a bowl of cereal and headed out the door.

                I drove us to school and parked in the west lot. We went to the office and got our schedules for the year. We were glad to see that all our classes but one were together. Soon after, the first bell rang to go to first period. The first day of school is always boring because you just go over all the procedures and rules.

                After what seemed like endless hours, we went to lunch. For lunch we got to leave the school. Eva and I met at my car and went to a restaurant down the street.  After we ate our sandwiches we went back to the school.

                At the end of last period they read of the announcements. I zoned out all the announcements until I heard cheerleading tryouts. I looked over at Eva and I could tell she had the same idea as me. The final bell rang for the day and we ran to my car.

                “Eva, let’s try out for cheerleading. This would be the greatest opportunity to become popular!”

                “Let’s try and see.” We drove to Eva’s house and changed into some sweat outfits. We went back to the school and signed up for try outs. We got our numbers and learned the try out routine. After practicing for about an hour, we stood in line for our single try out. I went in before Eva and tried my hardest. I finished feeling like I did my best. I waited outside the gym for Eva and we went back to her house.

                Tomorrow morning they were going to have the list hung up of the people who made the squad. I could barely sleep because I was so anxious to know if we made it.

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