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Most people say the high school is the best time of their life. In my case high school was a nightmare.

                My name is Aisley Thomas. I am about to start my senior year at East Coast High School. I have a twin brother, Nolan, and he is Mr. Popular at our school. Everybody in our grade adores Nolan. All the girls chase after him and praise him. All the guys want to be his best pal. The only person I talk to is my best friend, Eva.

                Eva and I have been best friends since she moved here our freshman year. I knew Eva and I would be best friends right away. We became such good friends because she is one of the few girls that don’t worship my brother.

                Eva and I made an oath this summer that we would strive and dedicate our time to make our senior year the best. School was to start in three days. It was time for our plan to take action. Tomorrow is the last summer party before school starts and the perfect chance to start with success.

                I knew it would take long preparations to be ready for the party. Eva came over right away.

                “Aisley, what are we even going to wear to this party? You know neither of us have the right party attire.”

                “I forgot all about what to wear!” I ran down stairs to my dad’s office. He was sitting right in front of his computer screen like always if he was even home.

                “Dad I am in desperate need of some new clothes. Can I please have some money?”

                “Yes, just take my credit card from in the kitchen.” My dad always gave me money. I think he does because he feels guilty for not being around much.

                I ran back up to my room. “I got my dad’s credit card. Let’s go shopping!”

                What was perfect about shopping is that Eva and I are the same size. I could use my dad’s credit card to buy clothes and both of us could wear them. We walked into our favorite store and headed straight or the party dresses. We each tried on about 5 different dresses. Eva ended up getting a blue, tight, sparkly dress that complemented her blonde hair and blue eyes. I got a peach, tight dress that made my olive skin tone pop.

                Outfits, check. We then went to Sephora. We sat down with two consultants. They gave us each a makeover to test out different makeups to go with our dresses. We walked out of the mall with new dresses and makeup to finish our look off.

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