chapter 14. Bristols pov. (Edited)

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"Good morning Bearcub. How was sleep?" I heard Louis say right when he saw me up.

"Fine. Was the water warm?" I asked when I saw him come out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, hair soaked.

"Ha. Yep. I've been thinking, do you want to do something today. We were supposed to go to the fair yesterday. I would go today, but they're closing today. So we can't do that now. Lets do something with your friends this time though. I mean, all of us. Me, you, Kenzie, Kristen, Jason, and the boys. We could, I don't know. What do you want to do?" he spoke.

"Ummm... I don't know. we could all go out to eat or something?" I asked if he would like to eat.

"Go ask Niall. I don't want food. I'm not hungry." he said.

"Oh. Well then what are we gonna do today?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"I don't know yet. Maybe we could just walk and talk. You know, go to the park and talk about what we used to do as a kid?" Louis said.

He's always liked to do that kind of stuff.

"Alright. Now we just have to see if everyone else agrees."

"Boys, come in here!" Louis shouts.

"Yeah?" they all ran in the room.

"Alright guys, Bristol and I were planning if you guys wanted to go with us later on a walk. We're just gonna walk around the park and talk." Louis explained. "And Niall you might you might want to change out of your Polo shirt. It might get ripped cause we're gonna have fun. And I mean a lot of fun."

"Fine." Niall said dragging out the word.

Then we had nothing to say, and all of us kept quiet.

{5 mins. later}

"There, happy?" Niall asked walked in the room.

"Yes. Holey shirts work perfect. And no I'm not being sarcastic." Harry said.

"Harry when it comes to you being sarcastic your never good at sound in sarcastic, but when your not sarcastic it always seems like you are. Why is that?" Liam asked.

"Shut up. Maybe my jokes aren't that good sometimes."

"Yeah- sometimes." Zayn scoffed.

"Well anyway, are we going or what?" Harry tried to get out the moment.

"Don't listen to them babe. Your jokes are funny and great." Kenzie whispered in Harry's ear.

I turned back to see Harry nodding to Kenzie. "I know they are." he said.

{at the park}

We finally made it to the funnest park in the town of Amsterdam. By finally, I mean we only walked about 10 minutes.

"Boobear, is this really gonna be that fun according to what you've planned?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"Well, to tell you the truth I had nothing planned out. I thought we were just gonna come here and talk. We did just plan this whole thing this morning." Louis answered.

"Well now we can plan something with everyone else so we can all agree on something." I suggested.

"Alright." he said.

Then he called everyone over and we worked everything out.

{9:00 p.m.}

"Hey Bearcub, would you like to move in our own place together? I've been thinking about it and I've already decided. I want to get my own place with you." Louis said getting under the covers.

"You want to move in?" I asked with a tone in my voice that suggests how thrown off I was by the question, and how much I would love to live with him.

"Of course I do. You make me happy." He touched my cheek.

"We can move in." I said with a smile and watering puppy dog eyes.

"You're crying??" He asked worriedly.

"Nooo." I said sarcastically, wiping my tears away.

"You're a dork." He giggled.

We shut the lights off and went to bed. Although, it took me at least an hour to fall asleep due to my excitement and full heartedness towards this boy. All night I thought about what it'd be like to live with him. Would there be more fighting? More laughter? Would we be like those married couples that have to tell each other to put the toilet seat down or clean their hair out of the drain?

But I already knew the answer. Everything would be exactly how we wanted it to be. We would be able to make it work.

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