chapter 16. Bristol's pov. (Edited)

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"Boobear. We finally made it back!" I yelled as I walked through the door.

Johannah dropped us off and left, so she wasn't there. I couldn't find Louis, so obviously he wasn't there either.

"Louis?!" I yelled again, but was also getting a bit worried. "Babe this is no time for games, where are you?" I kept wondering while walking around the house and looked through every room.

{Louis' pov.}

"Would you hurry up Liam. we couldn't be anymore late. They came back at around 2:00!" I rushed Liam to drive the car faster.

"Sorry Louis, but we are going to get pulled over if I could go any faster!" Liam yelled at me.

While the girls went shopping for me and Harry, we decided we should, just Harry and I, should go get something for the 2, Kenzie and Bristol.

Well we had been 15 minutes late. I was starting to get worried for a minute, wondering if she was at home crying. I hope she wasn't.

{Bristol's pov}

Tears filled my eyes as I was sitting on my bed. Kenzie was laying in the living room on the couch also crying. If only I knew where he had gone. That's when I thought,
What if Aiden took him?! What if he did that and I would never see him again.

Fury filled my bones. I angrily stood and grabbed the lamp, slamming it down on the carpet. Why did all the trouble have to happen to me? My life was perfectly normal with Louis, but when he's not here, I hate my life. This was all perfect when we met, but was Aiden trying to get in the way of us? Then I thought again:
What if Louis was OK? What if he was just hiding from me, and wanted it to be a surprise?

But why would he still be hiding if he saw how furious I've gotten? All I know right now, is that I need him, no matter what happens. Please, dear God I hope you love me enough to keep him living, as long as I'm living. I love you Louis.

{Kenzies pov.}

I could hear Bristol crying all the way in her bedroom. She was worried too much about Louis. I had also been crying because I cared too much about Harry. I remember when I almost ran away because I had this dream, then I was too scared to do anything with him. I'm so glad Harry talked me back into staying with him. Brian, my ex, was abusive to me, so I decided to dump him. Then he abused me some more. But I was scared that Harry would do the same. He told me that he would never do that to me, but that's what Brian said. We said I love you, and we fought. But the last fight we had, that was our real last fight. That's when Harry text me. I answered back real quick saying: 'babe?! where are you?!'

He answered back with, We were at the store, but you can tell nobody.

{30 mins. later. Bristol's pov.}


I heard the door open watching Louis walk in. Another tear rolled down my cheek, but I wasn't sure if it was a joy tear for being so happy he was here, or if I was mad he left me.

"Never leave me again." I whispered into his ear after running upto him and hugged him as tight as possible. I sat there for 2 minutes with my arms wrapped around him.

"I will never leave you ever Bearcub." he whispered back.

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