chapter 44. Louis' pov.

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I awake with a squirming body underneath me.

"Babe. Where are you going?" I ask.

"You're on top of me and I'm getting really hot and have to use the bathroom." she replied.

"Oh. Ok babe. You can go." I climb off top of her and see her walk out of the room towards the bathroom. I'm sitting thinking, how casual. Just had to use the bathroom that bad and not even racing towards the bathroom. That's until I hear it. She doesn't think I can, but I can. The loud padding of her feet hitting the floor signalling me that she's running. I sigh and let out a small chuckle to myself.

{two hours later.}

She's sitting on the couch in her gray sweatpants and loose shirt. With her feet at the top of the couch. (image of outfit at top). Her coffee mug in her hand, as she takes a sip of the hot liquid inside the cup. And she grabbed a blanket and covered herself with it about 30 minutes ago.

"Babe?" I say because I cant stop looking at her.

"Yah Lou?" she replied.

"You're beautiful. You know that?"

"Well considering you tell me every minute of the day, you do. But I don't think you're right."

"Really?" I ask concerned.

"Yah. You know, I kinda think I'm ugly. You know?" she starts. "I guess you're just gonna have to prove it to me?" she says sitting on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck, with her face close to me leaning in for a kiss.

"How am I gonna prove it?" I ask after the short peck she gives.

"Take a guess?" she says more like commanding than a question.

I lean in for a kiss, and finally our lips collide. She pushed me down onto the couch so she is on top.

"I'm in conrol this time!" she commands.


"Bristol!" I yelled from behind a tree. "I'm coming for you!" I yelled again.

I appear out from behind the tree with a smile from ear to ear. I hear twigs breaking and turn my head to face that direction.

When I look at the figure that broke the stick, I smile wider knowing it was Bristol. Her facial expression was the same as mine, and she ran away. I was chasing after her, into the woods. We meet up and I give her a long passionate kiss.

"I love you Lou." she states.

"I love you to Bearcub." I replied.

I awake with the alarm clock buzzing in my ear, stating for us to get up.

"Just dismiss it and we can have the whole day to ourselves, shall we?" she suggests.

"We shall." I smirk.

What could the dream have been?

It was a sign because I've had bad dreams about Bristol and they ment something.

So this means something.

"Babe?" I ask, getting ready to tell her about my dream. Should I tell her?

"Yah?" she replies.

"Nothing. Just seeing if you're awake still." I lie.

"Ok. I love you."

"Love you baby girl." I replied.

{Bristol's pov. One week later.}

"Tomorrow's our 4 month anniversary!" I yell excitedly.

"I know! I can't wait. I can give you a little surprise." he smirks grabbing my arms, and pressing our foreheads together.

"Ok! But when you're done it's my turn!" I said.

"Ok Bearcub." he cooed.

"Wow. I haven't heard that in a while!"

"Better get used to it. I'll be saying it the whole time babe." he says, obviously turned on, telling by his words.

"You wanna go into the room?" I pull away, his tongue slipping smoothly from my mouth.

He nods his head, and I drag him in there.

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