Crushing Badly// Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm obsessed with Solangelo, so I decided to write a fanfic about it. If there's a lot of space in-between words, I apologize. My mac has flat keys that I have to press down on in order to type, so bear with me.


I took a deep breath as I walked away from a surprised looking Percy. I did it. I told Percy how I used to feel about him. I felt like a good 1/4 of the weight had been lifted off my shoulder. Percy Jackson was now nothing but a regular guy to me. A friend whom I've shared adventures with in the past.

I started to walk off towards my cabin, when a sudden hand grabbed my arm. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I didn't understand why until I turned around to see who it was. Will Solace. The skeletal butterflies in my stomach started swarming around like crazy. Just be cool, I thought to myself.

"What do you want, Solace?" Alright, thats good. I'll be fine.

He smirked down at me, making my knees go weak. Never mind. "Did you forget?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he stared down at me. "You have to stay in the infirmary for three days. All that shadow traveling really drained you, huh?" I wanted to argue that I was perfectly fine, but I was pretty drained. Or maybe I just wanted to spend three days with Will, who knows. Just thinking about all of that shadow traveling was making me exhausted. "Whatever," I grumbled, looking down at my feet. I would never be too exhausted to notice the way his muscles were clearly visible, even with a lab coat and a shirt on. If he ever caught me checking him out, I would die from embarrassment.

"Alright, lets go, Sunshine. I hope you like being carried."

Before I could ask him what he meant, he picked me up bridal style and started running towards the infirmary."Oh my gods, Will! Put me down right now!" I ordered, feeling heat rush towards my cheeks. I probably looked like a tomato. "Nah," he said calmly. He was grinning a stupid grin that I wanted to wipe off his face. Why was he so happy? I could feel others staring as Will carried me inside. He carried me into a private room and set me down on the bed. I instantly felt colder when his arms were no longer wrapped around my body.

Why was he so dam warm all the time? Stupid son of Apollo.

"Why don't you give this room to someone who actually deserves it?" I suggested. He tapped his chin for a second as he kept his eyes glued to my face, not that I'm complaining. He's hot. "You mean like someone who fought hard in the war against Gaea, your grandmother, lovely lady, by the way-" I snorted at that, he was pretty good at being sarcastic, "-and did something to save the camp?" I nodded, glad that we were on the same page for once.

"Someone like Nico Baby-Angel di Angelo, who shadow traveled the Athena Parthenos safely to Camp Half-blood and now has the privilege of getting his wounds treated by the one and only, Will Solace." Guess not.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out as I stared at him, dumb-founded. He smirked at me. "Speaking of wounds, Baby-Neeks, I have to treat your wounds." He scooted a chair next to my bed and sat down. "Alright, now take off your shirt."

I stared at him with wide-eyes. Did I hear correctly? He slowly raised an eyebrow at me. "Medical reasons," he said, though I swear I saw a small hint of excitement in his eyes. Nah, probably just my imagination. There's no way Will likes me. He's probably not even gay. Even if he was, there are plenty of guys who are hotter than me at this camp, he would probably fall for one of them. I lifted my shirt up so only my stomach and back were exposed.

I can't let Will see my wrists...

His eyes widened. The large, infected scratches from the hellhound were still there. I closed my eyes as Will treated my wounds. I was glad when it was over. I was glad to have my shirt covering my stomach. I didn't have abs like Will or an amazing tan. I was pale and how skinny I am only shows how rarely I eat. Will gave me a square of ambrosia. I curled up under the sheets and closed my eyes, once again feeling exhausted from shadow traveling so much. I was about to fall asleep when Will cleared his throat. "What, no goodnight kiss?" He asked playfully with a smirk tugging at his lips.

You asked for it.

I sat up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Almost instantly, both of our cheeks heated up. He was only joking, why did I do that? I curled back into a ball and rolled onto my other side, afraid to face him. I just blew my chance. He's probably disgusted and wants nothing to do with me. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.

I heard a soft voice whisper, "Goodnight, Baby-Angel. Sweet dreams." The lights turned off and I heard the door softly close. I fell asleep dreaming about the sun; how it lights up your life and gives you warmth, but it's just doing what it's supposed to do.

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