Pity Party// Chapter 7

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A/N: Hehe you guys are going to hate me. Alright read on.


As I slowly opened my eyes, I wondered why I was warm. Way warmer than usual. Then I remembered that I was laying in the arms of Will Solace, my boyfriend.

Will Solace is my boyfriend.

This is incredible I've never felt happier. My heart was doing flips and cartwheels and all sorts of things I would never actually be able to do. But Will gave me that feeling that I could do anything. He made me feel invulnerable as if as long as he's by my side, no one can hurt me.

I slowly turned onto my side and watched my ball of sunshine sleep peacefully. He had his arms wrapped protectively around me as he slept, locks of his hair falling over his eyes. It made my heart melt.

In other words, Will was adorable even when he slept. "Nico," he whispered in his sleep as he moved a bit. I could feel his body tense. I tried to keep still since I didn't want to wake him.

"It's okay, I'm here," I whispered back as I reached for his hand and held it. So soft. So warm.

This seemed to make him relax again. His body relaxed again and I suddenly found myself staring into his eyes. "Good morning, Baby Angel. Did you sleep well?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the nickname he had given me. It was totally unrealistic. I'm scary. Everyone fears me. Everyone should fear me. I'm Nico di Angelo, the Ghost King. The son of Hades. Nobody sees me as a baby angel. Nobody should see me as a baby angel. Except maybe Will. He had an exception just because I like him that much.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks to you for keeping me warm all night." He chuckled, sending the skeletal butterflies to swarm all around my stomach. "Anything for my boyfriend." He gently raised my hand to his lips and kissed it. He gave my hand a small squeeze as he changed his gaze to look up at the ceiling. "So..." He said. He started curling up, which was not a good thing since he apparently forgot that he can't lay around all day. "Oh no you don't. You have a job," I reminded him. "Okay honey, sheesh," he joked and nudged me playfully. I rolled my eyes. "Just go!"

He pouted a little as he sat up. "What? No goodbye kiss?" I rolled my eyes and leaned in to kiss his cheek when he grabbed my wrists and pulled me in for a long, passionate kiss on the lips. My hands found their way to his arms and entangled themselves in it as his wrapped around my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

"Will," I groaned into his lips.

"Ssh..." He cupped my cheeks and kissed me with so much passion, I could almost feel all the broken pieces of my heart slowly healing. Almost.

"You need to go to-" my breath hitched as he started kissing down my neck "-work... You're needed and- Oh gods, Will!" I squeezed my eyes shut as he nibbled on the sensitive skin near my collarbone.

"Relax Nico, I have a few more minutes and I'm going to spend those few minutes doing this because I love causing you to moan my name."

It was almost as if I could feel Will's smirk against my neck as he made his way down. I ran a hand through his hair as I closed my eyes and tried to hold back the noises that were forming in my throat. He slipped his hands under my shirt and gently ran them up and down my spine. As he started running his tongue across my collarbone, I couldn't help but think about how many visible marks he had purposely left on my neck. I'm going to have to find something to cover them up later.

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