This Must Be Love// Chapter 6

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"And then what?!" Jason asked eagerly. I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly as I pinched the bridge of my nose. "We kissed."

I watched as he squealed with delight. I sighed again. "I knew you two would end up together! I told you! I told Percy and Annabeth and Piper! I told them! And I was right!" He beamed happily.

We were sitting in my infirmary bed as I told Jason what happened a few hours ago. Will and I hadn't done so much as turn bright red whenever we were around each other.

Unfortunately, Jason noticed when he went to go visit me a couple of times today and forced me to spill. I groaned loudly and rolled my eyes as he grinned at me. With his blonde hair and goofy grin, he looked like Will for a second. But there was only one Will in this whole world that would make the skeletal butterflies in my stomach start flying around like crazy.

"So are you two dating?!" Jason asked eagerly. There it was. The one question even I wish I knew. Were Will and I dating? Did that midnight picnic count as our first date? Had that been his intention?

"I don't know," I answered honestly. I groaned and buried my face in the palms of my hands. Jason frowned. "What do you mean you don't know?! Did one of you ask the other out?!"


I thought back to the events that happened after the kiss.

I slowly pulled away and stared into Will's eyes. All I could manage to say was, "Wow." He nodded in agreement. "Wow," he said back. A small grin broke out onto my face as we intertwined our fingers. He gently kissed my hand and I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. Love. This was definitely, without a doubt love. He slowly sat down and looked up at the sky. I started sitting down next to him when he frowned at me. "What do you think you're doing?"

My heart fell into my stomach. Did I do something wrong? Typical. I ruined the moment without even trying. Just when I started to tear up, Will pulled me onto his lap and gently stroked my hair, causing my face to turn a bright red. "I meant that you can't sit down on the ground. You have to sit on my lap." A smirk tugged at his lips as he said, "Doctor's orders." I sighed and rolled my eyes, though there was a smile on my face. "What are we doing?" I whispered."Looking at the stars," he whispered back.


"Because they're beautiful."

Not as beautiful as you, I thought.

He chuckled quietly. "Thanks."

I froze. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked. He nodded and gently squeezed my hand. "You're too cute." He grinned and kissed the top of my head. I probably looked like a tomato by now. What was this boy doing to me? We watched the stars for a while before we had to go back so no one noticed that we were gone. We walked back in silence. Not awkward silence. Comfortable silence. He swung our arms playfully and I couldn't help but laugh. He smiled at me. "I love your laugh. I like it when you smile. Your eyes light up and it's so adorable." I pulled him close. "Yeah? Well, you're always lighting up. There isn't one moment where you're not adorable." We smiled at each other as we walked back to the infirmary. I think it's safe to say that today was the best day ever for both Will and I.

"Nope," I said finally.

"Gods dam it!" He cursed and sighed loudly. I raised an eyebrow. "You okay there, Big Guy?" "I just really thought you guys would be dating after that." I sighed and chuckled quietly at my friend. It's nice that I have someone to talk to about my feelings. I would never admit this to him, but I appreciate his company. He sighed. "Whatever, I'm sure he'll ask you out soon. Unless you want to ask him..?"

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