Happy Ending// Chapter 26

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You know those dreams that you never expect to become real? Well, I never thought that I would be married to the one and only Will Solace.

And I never would've guessed that those dreams about our future kids were actually glimpses of the future. Guess it happens to a demigod even when they're not on a quest.

I bury my face in what seems to be something that is hard, but it's warm and comforting. Once the object I'm resting my head on moves and wraps its arms around me, I realize it's my husband.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I refused to open my eyes. It was my day off from work, let me sleep in.

"Come on, Neeks, it's your turn to drive the kids to school." I groan and slowly glance up with drowsy eyes.

"I don't wanna. You do it." He rolled his eyes and flicked my forehead playfully.

"I did it yesterday," he said in a mocking tone. I suddenly felt a foot kick me off the bed and onto the cold floor below. He curled up in the bed and buried his face back into a pillow. "Warm and cozy," he mumbled in order to tease me.

"I'll be back for you," I reply and gave him a small wink. I got up and head down the hall, yawning as I managed to run a hand through my hair. "Annabella, Zoey, time to get up!" I gently knocked on each of their doors. Zoey almost automatically opened her doors, her blue eyes peering up at me, a hint of excitement in her eyes.

I kneel down so we're at the same level. "Ready for your first school field trip?" She giggled and nodded excitedly. Finally being in the first grade has gotten her all jumpy and excited, not that she isn't already, because she gets to go on field trips. "Now what did we discuss yesterday?"

She thought for a moment. "Stay close to the teacher, if I get lost, ask for help from someone who works there, and come back safely." I grinned and gave her a high five for remembering.

"Now go get dressed, breakfast will be ready soon." She nods and eagerly goes back into her room, her blonde curls bouncing along with her.

I sigh and knock on the older one's door. "Bella," I said softly as I slowly opened the door and poked my head inside. She was already dressed, just fixing her hair. I smiled a little.

"Hey," she said softly and gave me a small smile. I smile back at her and gently gave her a hug. "I can't believe my baby's all grown up," I whispered.

She rolled her eyes a little. "Dad, you're making a big deal out of nothing." She sighed a little irritated.

I grinned. "You've grown up so much. You're in fifth grade, which means middle school next, and then next thing you know it's graduation and college, and I just don't want you to grow up."

She rolled her eyes a little, but I could tell she was trying not to hold back tears, just as I was. "You'll still have Zoey."

"It's not the same. You know your dad and I love you both." A small smile tugged at her lips. "I'll always be your little girl."

She glanced back in the mirror and straightened her posture. "Now, are you done making a big deal out of yet another day of nothing?"

A smile crawls its way to my lips. "Not yet. You have two dads, remember?"

She playfully groaned and grabbed her backpack, heading downstairs quietly. I followed close behind to find that Zoey was already devouring her pancakes. Guess I missed her pancake face monster routine today. Oh, well. She does it everyday.

Will winked at me from the kitchen as he packed the girls' lunches. I smile at him. Yep, life is great.

After they both got what they needed for the day, we hopped into the car and I drove them to school. Zoey sang along to the songs on the radio, making me smile a bit.

I dropped them off and headed back home, exhaustedly crashing back onto my bed as soon as I got to my room. Will was already there waiting for me. "Someone looks tired," he said playfully and nudged me.

"Shut up, Solace."

"Hey, it's still Doctor Solace to you, mister."

We laughed a little and crashed our lips together, not caring about morning breath.


Since it was Will's turn to pick up the kids from school, I had at least 20 minutes to lounge around and stuff my face with greasy, chocolatey goodness. I plopped down on the couch and got comfortable.

It was about halfway into the third episode of Friends that I took notice of the fact that I was still alone in the house. "That's weird," I mumble to myself and proceeded to stand up. Dialing Will's number, I pressed my ear against the phone and listened. It went straight to voicemail, causing panic to rise in my chest.

What if something happened? Oh gods.

I could feel a panic attack coming, so I did what Will would've instructed me to do. Though breathing and counting to five did not help, because Will could be dead. My girls could be dead.

My breathing got shallow as I ran a hand through my hair, tears streaming down my cheeks. A heavy sob escaped my lips without my consent.

I could hear the backdoor opening and Will came trotting in. "Oh, thank gods." I started crying into his chest as soon as he pulled me into a hug.

"Relax, Neeks. Wipe your tears, everything's okay."

For some reason he was tugging me towards the backyard, but I had no time to question it, for I was busy trying to get rid of my tear-stained cheeks.

"Would you really want to cry on your birthday?"

I looked up at him and tilted my head. "Huh?"

Confetti exploded around us along with a chorus of, "Surprise!" A small gasped escaped my lips as my friends popped up with grind on their faces.

How could have I forgotten my own birthday... Wow, that's a little embarrassing. But nonetheless, I loved it.

I grinned widely at them and laughed a little. "Thank you all so much."

After a long party with tons of cake and having to chase hyperactive kids, the guests left. I collapsed heavily on my bed, Will wrapping his arms around me. "Happy birthday, Baby-Angel," he whispered in my ear and gave it a small, playful kiss.

"Thank you, Sunshine."

We held each other as we slowly started to drift to sleep, exhausted from today's previous events.

I was awoken by a small shift in the bed and one, no, two objects crawling their way in between Will and I.

"Shouldn't you two be in your own beds?" My husband's raspy yet hunky voice said. He tiredly buried his face back into a pillow, keeping his arms around us.

"We wanted to sleep with you," Annbella answered, since her sister had already fallen asleep. A small smile tugged at my lips as I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes.

Years ago, my life was a disaster. I didn't think my life would ever get back on track since Bianca died. But now, it's all I ever wanted and more. And I knew that no matter what, I would be okay.

Quietly I started whispering, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."

From the other side of the bed, Will sung along. "You make me happy when skies are gray."

All of a sudden, we were all singing along to the song quietly, even Zoey who had magically woken up when she heard her favorite song.

We held each other close. "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you."

I could see Will grinning at me with a joyful look in his eyes. I happily returned it.

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

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