The Fates Hate Me// Chapter 20

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I felt as if someone had just walked up to me and punched me in the gut. Yeah, that's how bad I felt.

I couldn't believe it. This was actually happening to me. I stared down at my hands, unable to process what I was being told.

My own sister. There was a chance that she could die. The only family member I have left.

I tried to remind myself that she could be alive, but it was impossible to stay positive. Not only that, but Will was going to have to be at the hospital for the whole day, maybe even including the night because he was the one giving them surgery.

Jason kept trying to talk to me to tell me it was okay, but it really wasn't. I didn't listen to him anyway. I didn't want to know about the details. Piper must've noticed or something, because she jabbed her husband in the ribs and told him to be quiet.

"Will told us to tell you that's it's okay to cry," she said softly and sympathetically. I slowly nodded. The words felt like they were being shot at me, but they only bounced off.

Those words couldn't hurt me anymore than how badly I was already hurting. Just when my life had finally started to get back on track, this had to happen. Of course. The Fates hate me. I'm certain of it and this only proves my theory.

I quickly stood up and whispered in a small and shaky voice, "I need to be alone for now." And with that, I left.

I tried not to let my fear show, but it was without a doubt evident. I was scared. The only family that I had left could be taken away from me. The sister that I got to come out to and show my biggest fears could be gone. She had always been supportive of me. I didn't want to lose her.

I blinked away the tears and quickly walked off.



"He's been gone for ten minutes," I mumble.

"He's grieving. Let him be, Jace." I sigh loudly. "I don't trust him by himself. You know what could happen... I'm gonna go check on him really quick..."

Before Piper could protest, I quickly got up and ran up the stairs. "Neeks?" I asked softly as I knocked on the door that he shared with Will.

No answer.

I bit my lip and knock again. "Nico, please I just want to know that you're okay."

Still no answer.

I was starting to get worried. I slowly open the door and noticed that it was empty. "Piper, we have a problem."


It didn't take long to find him. He was curled up in a ball next to a tall oak tree in the backyard. I could tell that he'd been there before because 'WS+NDA' was carved into a heart on the trunk.

It was silent for a while before Piper quietly whispered, "It'll be okay, Nico."

"How do you know that?!"

"I just do, okay?"

It was silent for a longer while before Piper let out a startled scream.

"Pipes, what's wrong?"

She was clutching her large belly with wide eyes. My eyes slowly averted to the small puddle that was formed underneath her. "Piper?" I asked, suddenly frowning. Even Nico looked up with concern.
"Oh my gods... My water just broke..."
Read, cause why not?

A/N: Have I ever told you guys that I love reading your comments and reactions? They're hilarious and always put me in a good mood. Anyway, Jiper/Jasper baby coming. Much excitement, such wow. Should the baby be a girl or boy? What should the name be? Same thing with Percabeth's baby. Also, I got an Instagram and a tumblr for this fandom. The Instagram is Annaslaychase and the tumblr is Nicosmcdonald. Follow them if you'd like. Comment and tell me what you guys thought on the chapter.

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