Just Friends?// Chapter 5

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**The song is part of the story**

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that jealousy is horrible. I've never understood why people got jealous and protective until today.

I had been walking around the infirmary. I had gotten permission from Will first so he didn't flip out when he saw me out of bed. I have ADHD, after all. Staying still was neither easy nor fun.

Speaking of things that weren't easy, Will's attitude has changed. He's always trying to flirt with me, as if he hadn't done his share of flirting already. I'm not complaining, he's just leading me on and I'm starting to get the wrong idea that he likes me or something.

I know right? Ridiculous. Will Solace having a crush on me is so stupid and impossible and basically just unthinkable.

As I chatted away with another demigod that was in the infirmary with both arms broken, I noticed Will tending to a girl's injuries. Now, I am aware that it's his job and that you shouldn't act as if people are objects, but that girl needs to keep her hands off my property.

I'm not one to get jealous. Heck, I'm not one to think of Will as mine when we're barely even friends, but she was practically all over him.

Anger clawed at my stomach before it left and I got washed over with a wave of depression.

The girl had long, curly, blond hair that reached down to her waist. She wasn't wearing any makeup, but it's not like she needed any. She was gorgeous, and this is coming from someone who's gay. No doubt she was a daughter of Aphrodite, especially since she had the same color-changing eyes my friend, Piper, had. She was all over Will as he healed her wounds. She kept leaning close so her chest was a centimeter or two from his face. If I were Will, I would have feelings towards her too. She giggled at anything he said. She even made an excuse to touch his arm.

That's not fair, I thought. I wanted to touch his arm too. Will seemed to be oblivious of her annoying flirting, but I didn't care. I couldn't watch this. It was breaking my heart. What was I thinking? Will would actually have feelings for me? I could feel my heart yearning for Will to make it better, but I knew that wasn't going to happen. Will wasn't mine. He won't ever be mine so anyone can go around and flirt with him. And that thought was hurting me.

I wanted to be the one to flirt with Will. I wanted to go on dates with him and stare at the miniature galaxy he held in his eyes. I wanted to hold his hand without getting scared of what others might think. I wanted him to love me.

Will slowly turned around and smiled at me. I frowned and quickly walked away. "Nico!" I heard, but I pretended that not to. A hand gently grabbed mine and forced me to turn around. He frowned. "You're crying," he whispered.

I was? I slowly touched my cheek, and like he said, I was.

"I was just thinking of something that upset me, that's all."

He nodded, but he looked unconvinced. "You know," he whispered, "if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'm there for you. I care about you, Nico. I'll be there, I promise."

We stared into each other's eyes and I swear I could see desire in his eyes every time he glanced down at my lips. He took a deep breath and slowly looked away. "Okay..."

To make sure he believed that I wasn't upset anymore, I gave him a small smile, kissed his cheek, and said, "See you around, Sunshine."

As I walked away, I could hear him yell playfully, "That's Doctor Sunshine to you!"


Have you ever felt like wanting to curl up and just lay there for the rest of your life? Yeah, that's how I was feeling.

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