My Sunshine// Chapter 12

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"Hey," I whispered softly.

I was currently next to Will's hospital bed after being forced and bugged to go see him. Jason had kept pestering me to go see him. I kept telling him that I wasn't ready. He told me that I'll never be ready and I shouldn't waste my time.

I'm not sure if there was a secret meeting, because all of a sudden, Jason, Piper, Annabeth, and Percy were pestering me to go. It was unfair since I was outnumbered. They wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed to go see him. They obviously didn't care that I wasn't ready to see him. Great friends they are.

"Um..." I look around desperately. What am I supposed to say? Can he even hear me? I close my eyes and think for a second. If he can't hear me, it's a perfect time to just let everything out. If he can hear me, it's still a perfect time to vent to someone and not have to worry about their reaction at the moment. It was perfect.

"So, I've been having a pretty stressful week. I feel like this is all my fault. I should've come to you when I heard the voices in my head. I shouldn't have ran away. Now you're stuck in a coma and it's all my fault." I gently kissed his forehead and reached out. My fingers laced themselves through his hands.

His hands were cold. His skin was pale and he looked thin. He looked dead, but I kept talking.

"I'm sorry, Will. I'm sorry I never go to tell you how much I love you. I was so worried that it would hurt our friendship that I didn't even bother to think that you could be gone in the blink of an eye. I ruined our relationship and now you probably hate me. I don't blame you, I hate me too."

"I've been worried sick about you. I can't sleep without thinking about you. I'm always having these dreams... About our future..."

I could feel my face heat up, although I'm not sure why. It's not like he was actually listening. Oh gods, I hope he's not actually listening.

"If we even have a future. I screwed everything up. But I'm always having these dreams where we have a family and these two beautiful daughters named Annabella and Zoey. Annabella is older by two years. But the point is, I can't get you out of my head. Jason told me that if I vent to someone I trust, I'll feel better. So I figured you're who I trust. That and Jason forced me to come."

I traced circles on the back of his hand with my thumb. I hummed quietly as I held his hand as if saying, 'I'll never let go.' He looks so weak and vulnerable. "Look at that, looks like I'm playing doctor now, huh Solace?" I grinned and chuckled quietly. I gently brushed away a lock of hair that was out of place. "Even in a coma, you still manage to look hot."

I tilted my head and hesitate for a second. "Will Solace, if I find out that you're actually listening to what I'm saying right now, I will beat you up, you hear me?" I took a deep breath before saying, "I love you to death. It hurts me seeing you like this. My heart is literally throbbing. I just... I love you so much, okay?"

I sigh loudly and bite my lip. I'm glad I'm saying this now since I would never be able to say it directly to his face without getting anxiety or nausea. "So, moving on, how've you been?"

No response.

"Yeah same," I grumbled. "I have all this stress, you know?"

No response.

"No, I don't need therapy or something to calm me down. Relax okay, Will? There's just been so much going on, it's hard to keep track of it and keep my sanity. For example, we start dating, break up, I run away, and you get in a car crash all in the same week. It's crazy."

I was making up what something close to what Will would've said so I didn't feel so alone.

I was venting to someone and no one at the same time, and it felt good. This was the kind of thing that helped me. It was like I was alone, but at the same time, I had someone with me. I liked it. It made it easier to vent.

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