Downhill // Chapter 19

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I groan as I lift my head up from my pillow. The birds chirped cheerfully outside my window. It was currently 6 am and since the sun was up, I would have a difficult time if I tried to go back to sleep. Being a son of Apollo didn't always have its perks. I sigh as I go to get up. Another long, excruciating day of work. Great.

I look over to find my sleeping angel and a small smile spreads across my face. I kiss his forehead gently, which caused him to smile in his sleep. I wiped away some of the drool that slipped out of the corners of his mouth and were forming a puddle of drool onto his pillow.

I force myself to get up, despite the fact that I would want nothing more than to go back to sleep. I now work at a demigod hospital. Of course, I would work as a doctor. It's what I'm passionate about. I'm also passionate about Nico, but sadly, he's not a career.

Oh well.

I get dressed and somehow managed to tame down my blonde curls. I descended down the stairs quickly and grabbed the first thing I found which was a banana.

I could feel the butterflies in my stomach swarming like crazy. Nico and I were getting married in less than a week. Less than 72 hours. That's crazy. It feels like just yesterday I was sneaking him out to a late night picnic.

Time flies by fast, huh?

I tried to ignore the fact that I was so jumpy but really, it was because I was excited. The day couldn't get here any faster and it was frustrating.

I quickly checked in when I arrived at the hospital and found out that there were already two demigods with extreme injuries. I quickly rushed over, a frown on my face, for the situation had caused my happy daydream to come to an end.

Usually, when I have new patients to treat that have severe injuries, all I can think about is what will happen if I don't save them. I know, it's weird. I just can't help imagining having to tell the family members that their cousin or their husband or their daughter is dead. It's one of the sad parts of my job. But I still love it, nevertheless.

I looked down at the two in gurneys. A small gasp escaped my mouth as I examined them. There were large cuts on their faces, along with some large pieces of glass piercing through their skin. Blood oozed out from where many places of their skin had been opened.

"Car crash," a nurse next to me mumbled.

My throat felt dry as I was unable to speak or even process the damage in front of me. It was just impossible for me to realize that now Hazel and Frank's lives were on my hands.



"Yeah, I understand. Yes, I promise. Don't worry, I got this okay? Yeah, I'll tell you how it goes in a couple of hours."

I let out a small sigh. I knew Mondays were usually bad and aggravating, but this is not how I wanted to spend it.

"This is great," my wife next to me grumbled under her breath. I reached out and gently rubbed her large tummy. "I told you that you didn't have to come along," I said softly. She shook her head. She gave me this look that said, 'Oh, so you can do it, but I can't? Is it because I'm a girl? Huh? Huh?'

"It's because you're pregnant and I don't want anything bad to happen to you or our baby," I spoke softly. She calmed down a little and sighed.

"I'm just... worried about how poor Nico will take the news, you know?" I nodded, understanding what she was saying.

Since Will had to give Frank and Hazel immediate surgery, he couldn't break the news to Nico. Me, being the closest thing he's had to a brother, he chose me. Okay, that's not true. Percy was at the doctor's with Annabeth for a checkup. I just so happened to be free, but whatever.

The car ride was pretty silent and as we slowly got out of the car, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.

Please Nico, I thought. Don't be in there. Be out getting groceries. Anywhere but here.

The door opened and revealed the sleepy looking son of Hades.

I glanced at Piper, who encouraged me to talk first with a small nod. "We have to tell you something," I said.


A/N: Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm sorry for not updating. I'm grounded plus I have other fanfictions to write. Anyway, comment and tell me what you thought on the chapter.


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