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Shafna woke up early in the morning. Usually she doesn't have the practice of waking up early since she liked morning sleeps. But these days Hudson made her forget her morning sleeps.

She wanted to wake up early as possible so that she could hear his voice. At nights, she didn't like to go to sleep because she didn't want to miss talking to him.

Today she got up earlier not to talk to him but to meet him. She was so nervous and excited at the same time. She has met him many times previously but this time it was different.

Shafna was going to meet him as her boyfriend, as her lover, as her everything, for the first time. She was trembled thinking about the thought of facing him.

After her bath, she was standing before her cupboard to select the dress. First time, she felt that all those dresses she had was not looking beautiful, even the dresses she loved to wear.

Somehow after so much flustering she came up with the dress to wear. It was a nice yellow salwar with red duppata. She was not a type of girl who was interested in dressing and make up.

But now she wanted to present herself appealing to his eyes. She put on light make up. When she saw herself in the mirror, she knew she wasn't dazzling yet she looked admirable.

She waited for him in front of the restaurant they usually met. But this time they were not surrounded by their friends. They both would be alone.

Shafna saw Hudson walking towards her from the edge of that road. Her heart beat was raising and a chill shiver ran through her whole body.

'Is Hudson looked this handsome before? I have never noticed it. He is nearing me. How should I react now?' Shafna was almost blushing.

Hudson, "Hey Shafna, you look so pretty."

She felt like she was the 'Miss World' when he said that. She tried hard not to look into his eyes. But she couldn't help it. When they looked into each other's eyes, they were just getting lost into that.

'Oh!! What an eyes he has!! It is like another world into it and I wanted to get lost into that world. The way he looks at me and the smile on his lips, not even my favorite hero has given such a romantic smile and killing looks in his films' Shafna couldn't cut down the stretch of her lips. She was exposing a smile mixed with shy.

Before their mouth utter a word, their eyes spoke thousand words. Their eyes expressed their devastating love towards the other.

After the lunch, they went for a film. She knew very well like last time, he would hold her hands and she was expecting to grab his hands too.

Hudson took her hands and placed her palm over his cheeks. She could feel his skin through her palm. Suddenly she felt wetness in her hands. She turned and saw him in tears.

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

"This is tears of joy. I never thought that I would get a girl like you. Will you be with me till I die?"

"Of course. I will. I promise you. I'll never leave you even if you ask me to do."

"I love you Shafna. I love you so much kutty. I don't want to miss you in my life."

"Me too Hudson" She couldn't talk anymore. She laid down over his shoulders with her eyes full of tears.

After the film, it was time for them to leave. She didn't want to leave him. She wanted to leave the whole world just to be with him.

When they met in the morning, she was looking brighter than a moon. Her skin was glowing like the river that glows in sunlight.

But now, when the time came for her to leave him, her face went as dull as the night without light.

When Shafna reached the hostel, she understood something. She had never missed someone so badly like she missed him.

Shafna was in thoughts of her first date with Hudson. Her phone started ringing. 'It must be Hudson' she thought and with a happy smile she took her phone and saw the name Joanna flashing on it.

Her smile dropped seeing her name. 'Oh God. Its Joanna. I didn't tell her about Hudson. What if she have heard about us from someone else? I don't want my best friend to mistake me. I have to tell her myself' Before she came to a decision, her phone stopped ringing.

Shafna called her back." Hey Joe, how are you? "

"I'm fine Shafu. How are you?"

"I'm fine too. So what's up?"

"Its been more than a month since I talked to you. So just called you. Is there anything special?"

"Actually there is something.......... But I don't know whether that is a special news."

"What Shafu?? Tell me whatever it is.."

" I.. I don't know how to start.. Please don't mistake me.."

" I'm your best friend. Why am I going to mistake you? "

" I'm in love with .... With Hudson.."

"What??? Hudson??" Joanna couldn't stop laughing. "Are you serious??"

"Yes I'm. I didn't mean to do it. But I didn't know.. I started liking him. But I'll stop this... If you feel uncomfortable about it."

"Come on Shafna. Still I couldn't believe it. But I'm happy girl."

" Don't say so for my sake. Please tell the truth. What you feel? "

" Shafna I'm telling the truth. Even though I was not in love with Hudson, I know about him very well. He is such a nice guy and I always had a guilty feeling since I hurt him. I wished him to get a girl better than me, who could love him truly. And now hearing about you both, I'm really relieved that he got the perfect girl"

Shafna, " Are you relieved about only Hudson? What about me?"

Joanna, " I will say Hudson is lucky since he got you. I know you're just opposite to me. You will take care of him very well and be a support to him. To say about you, you are the most luckiest girl in this world since you've got Hudson. I don't have any worries about you. He is there to take care of you. But promise me that you'll never leave him."

Shafna, " Sure, as my best friend's wish. For the last time, tell me, are you OK with this?"

Joanna, " Hey girl. Just listen to me. I'm really really happy for you both. You both will be a perfect couple. And thanks for solving my guilty feelings. Don't get confused and be happy. I'll be there for you guys. I'll support my best friend. "

Shafna sighed in relief. She thanked God since her best friend didn't mistake her and she accepted her decision.



Hi friends..

Do u like this story??

Have anyone's first date been so emotional??

You expected it to be romantic or emotional??

If u expected it to be romantic, then I'm sorry...

And wat abt Joanna?? Will she be a problem to them??

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