Chapter 4

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I lay still on my soft bed, staring at the ceiling above. I don't usually do this, but it seems ever since that fated meeting, I have been doing so before I sleep. I turned my head, facing my side table. There, among the unicorn figurines and my diary, was the vase where I had kept the two roses I had gotten, so far. I wondered, 'Are they really worth e getting confused like this?' And then it hit me, like a lightning bolt in the stormy rain.

I have an idea. I know what I'm going to do. 'I will stay with Mikka tomorrow. She is my best friend, the only one I can trust, who will love me even when we aren't getting along.' I stated to myself.

But then my sleepiness overtook me, and I fell asleep tied up in the ruffled pink sheets.

Mikka's POV

I twirled my pen in my hand, constantly watching the clock tick ever so slowly, hoping lunch would come to save me from this boring class. I scanned the room to see if anyone else is listening. It seems the boys were busy playing with their laptops at the back, some already asleep, while others were just chatting about random things. I checked the clock again, and watched as the second hand counted down till recess.







....Sounded the school bell.

I quickly stood up and stretched, as if my body had become stiff. Then, I headed out for the canteen. Normally I'd go alone, since Geline usually goes to the garden to do who knows what.

But, I heard some faint footsteps following me. I suddenly stopped, and the footsteps silenced. Then I started walking again, and so did the mysterious follower. I suddenly stopped, and jumped around, surprising whoever it was. It was Geline? With her eyes wide open in surprise."What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm....ahh....going..... with you," She nervously giggled a bit, quite obvious she was still shocked and embarrassed.

That was one thing I never understood about Geline, she's always shy even around me at school, yet a whole different person at home. So I led her to the cafeteria, a place she barely even goes to. We took our food, and were currently looking for a table. The cafeteria was HUGE, so it took us some time to find a seat.

In our school, we were in our own "peer groups". There were the emos, the gifted, the outcasts, the jocks, the nerds, the cheerleaders, and my group, the Preps.

We sat down, and were going to start eating, when... A pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Drei, get your hands off me" I grabbed the pair, and moved them away.

"Congrats, here's your prize" he suddenly gave me quick kiss on the cheek.

I wiped it off in disgust "You're just lucky that HE isn't here"

"Yeah, yeah, I know" he shrugged, but his eyes quickly focused on Angeline.

He quickly kneeled on one leg, and grabbed Geline's hand. "Why. Hello there, Mademoiselle." His eyes seemed to sparkle, as he softly kissed Geline's palm.

She just froze, face red as a rose. So, I quickly slapped his face.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR??" he shouted, but I just shrugged it off.

He knows what he did. Angeline quickly hid behind my shoulder. "Who is he?" she whispered.

"That is someone who you should avoid," I answered.

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