Chapter 5

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I glanced around at the crowd, desperately wondering if the medics were coming.Where are those medics when you need them? I glanced back at Geline, who is barely above the surface. I didn't think, just suddenly jumped into the cold blue water. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I swam as fast as I could.

B: It......Rei........Ju......Tra......

I could barely even hear the speaker's announcement, as the water clogged my ears. I only focused on saving Geline. I couldn't see very well because I forgot to wear my goggles, but I noticed her last bubbles of air floating to the surface. That isn't a good sign. I swam even faster, and dove a bit deeper to catch her sinking body. Finally, I caught her, just before she could hit the floor. Then I swam up and surfaced for air. After I had gasped for air, I swam to the edge of the pool, Geline in tow.

I had a bit trouble getting out, as my ears were aching and my body felt like an elephant's. In a matter of seconds, the crowd swarmed around me and Angeline. Mikka was the first to come in front, as she kneeled and leaned to her chest. I could barely hear, since there is still water in my ears.


"What?!" I shouted, trying to clear whatever is clogged in my ear.

"She's......breathing" Mikka said.

The sentence wasn't complete, but I knew something was wrong.I kneeled by her side, nervously trying to recall what I learned in heath class. I placed my palms in position, and started to pump her chest.





But no luck, nothing happened.

"Nothing's happening!" I exclaimed.

"Do CPR"

"CPR?......Wait! I ain't doing that"

"What do you mean you aren't? Why? Because of pride? Is your pride worth more than her life?" I stopped to think about what she just said.

'Her life is in danger, I should try to save her.' I thought, then I quickly opened her mouth, and locked my lips to hers. I blew as hard as I could into her, before pumping her chest again.








I moved back, as she started to cough out the water in her throat.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"Andrei......Why aren't you swimming yeee..." she weakly said, before fainting back. I quickly caught her head, and saw her seemingly sleeping.

"We better call an ambulance, Now!!!"

Geline's POV

"Huh? Where am I?" I glanced around my surroundings. I wondered why I was at my school garden.

"Wasn't I swimming?" I asked to myself, I glanced down to see that my once swimsuit, is now my normal school uniform.

"Wha.....What's going on?" Just then, I stood up in shock, as I heard a mysterious, yet nostalgic voice.

"Why do you throw coins into the fountain, when you could be using them to buy stuff?" questioned a young, confident man with my coin in his hand.

I just stared at him, with my brow up, in shock.

"Wait a minute, wasn't this that day whe-" He suddenly fell into the water, on his own.

"What the fudge!? Why push me?" he said, annoyed and sopping.

"I didn't push you, what are you talking about?" I replied innocently and confused.

He grabbed the air, and pulled. I kind of feel like I'm in a movie with a missing character, as if i was dreaming, and the same time awake. He was doing exactly the same thing that day, only that I'm not there. It felt too real to be a dream. But, i shook of those thoughts in my mind. I looked closely to his face, hoping to find who was that guy with me that day. My eyes opened wide, and my body froze stiff, as I realized who he was.

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