chapter 1

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Fox hated mornings. His wrist communicator began to buzz angrily from its resting place on the end table next to his bed aboard The Great Fox. He tiredly pressed the button "Fox here." He yawned his muzzle still pressed into his pillow.

"Fox this is General Pepper." The old bloodhound said as his voice emanated from the small wrist device.

"Pepper, sir what can I do for you today?" Fox mumbled as he looked to the digital clock on his nightstand. 'Huh it's 7:30 that's a little early for a normal call'. Fox thought to himself.

"I have a job for you, double the standard pay." Pepper offered.

"Double standard pay! Why so much?" Fox inquired.

"I need you and your crew to go to Beltino Industries and provide security for the demonstration of a revolutionary leap in teleporter technology."

"Teleport tech?"

"Yes if this demo goes off without a hitch we might might be able to send living things through the teleporter matrices."

"Really." Fox muttered as he thought of the ramifications.

"Indeed, I don't think I have to tell you all the military and economical applications."

"No you don't sir, I'll take the job. When do you need us to be there?" Fox asked already getting out of bed and preparing.

"You have two hours, a car will be waiting at the starport." Pepper replied before he ended the call.

After talking with Pepper Fox spent little time getting ready for the day before rushing out of his quarters and into the hallway. "ROB," he spoke in to his wrist comm. "Wake up the others and tell them to meet me on the bridge."

"ORDERS RECEIVED." The monotone tone of the ships robot replied.

With that taken care of Fox sped on to the bridge and sat down in his captains chair. He waited for half an hour before the others finally decide to show.

The first person to walk in was Falco. The blue and red avian swaggered into the bridge before sitting down at the tactical console and putting his boot clad feet on it. "Sup Fox."

"What took so long!" Fox growled.

"I was sleeping and I can't be rushed." Falco scoffed.

"Well I guess you don't want to go on the next job for double pay." Fox sighed before turning away.

"DOUBLE PAY!" Why didn't you say so Falco exclaimed. "Let's go!"

"Do you even know where?" Fox asked his over enthusiastic friend.

"No but with that kind of pay it doesn't matters." Falco said stubbornly.

While they were having a friendly argument Slippy and Peppy walked in and took their seats ignoring the pairs antics as they had grown accustomed to it in their long friendship.

"So..." Slippy drawled grabbing the vulpine's attention "what's the plan Fox?"

Fox and Falco stopped their bickering and went back to business. "Pepper hired us as security for a demonstration at your fathers company."

"Really I get to see dad!" Slippy said excitedly.

"That's right Slippy, although I expect you to act professionally." Fox warned.

"Of course Fox I'll be the professionalist."

"Thats not a real word." Falco scoffed.

"Cut it out Falco." Peppy scolded.

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