Chapter 24

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The thing impaling him dragged the obstinate human all the way to some godforsaken room. There, it roughly slammed him onto a rusty table, which the course grainy texture rubbed painfully against his back inflaming the tender flesh "step one, remembrance!" The monster intoned, bringing its smaller vestigial arms to Alex's cranium. "You once had the understanding in your mind, and I will draw it back out." It growled to him in its buzzing guttural voice. Why it wanted to talk, Alex did not know. He still had no fucking clue why he was where he was. Last thing he remembered was falling asleep, pleasantly he might add, alongside the warm fuzzy collie woman, Fay. Next thing he knew he was in some twisted hellish place with this monstrous asshole.

Alex struggled against the flimsy biological restraints attached to his head, but was so weak he could not tear himself free. "LET. ME. GO!" He snarled

steadily and desperately, trying to get away.

The thing did not appreciate his efforts and smashed his face with one of its shoulder spear things and roared. "SILENCE!" Then it raised the struggling human's head to look into its eyes. He gazed into the corrupted orbs and saw inside, a red and black pulsing obelisk, replacing its pupils. He wanted to look away but it forced his eyes open and kept his head unflinchingly on its hypnotic gaze.

Soon he was sucked into its depths, and once inside, began to remember. But the process would he interrupted, promising salvation and his memories, all due to a brave soul that ventured in after her loved one.


Krystal beheld a terrible sight, Alex, her love and hero, lay upon a bloody rusty slab of steel. He was battered and broken, having been so by his captor. The captor was some horrifying corpse like creature, one these necropmorphs that's she had seen before. It was circling the restrained human and snarling something she could not understand, as it closed in and grabbed his head with its disgusting little arm things, no doubt to inflict some tremendously horrible wound upon her beloved, the usually innocent harmless and kind vixen became a blazing outlet of all her repressed fear, rage, sorrow, and anguish. This monster and whatever else had decided to screw with Alex would pay...dearly.

She though of her staff and brought it to herself, imagining it here with her. She elongated the deadly Cerinina weapon and swung the crystal topped amethyst, cerulean and gold gilded pole in the direction of the necromorph. From the jewel atop it, a flaming sphere shot out and impacted against the turned back of the beast. The orb hit, smashing it away from Alex. The flames spread across its body, the fire bitting deep into necrotic tissue. It let out an unearthly squeal and fell to the mushy ground. Soon, the crackling flames began to spread, eagerly consuming the growth covering the floor.

With the threat neutralized, Krystal ran in, dodging the dying flames and went to the side of the nearly delirious Alex. He was laying still laying, unmoving, upon rusted nightmarish gurney. "ALEX!" She shouted, shaking him with her paws, trying to make him lucid. Within seconds, he began to stir, awoken by the sound if her voice. "K-Krystal?" He mumbled, his golden eyes suddenly flying open. Alex jolted up from the table, sending the vixen stumbling backwards, her balance retained thanks to her tail.

He turned to her, puzzled. "What's going on? Where are we? Where is everyone?" He asked worriedly. He seemed to he entirely lucid, as of all that had happens had never transpired.

"Alex? remember me?" She whispered, close to tears.

He stared at her in confusion. "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" He asked. Sure his mind was still a little fuzzy, but the last thing he remembered was landing outside that research facility disguised under the airfield on venom. Maybe he was still there? But then, why was Krystal here as well? It didn't matter, for now something was wrong whith her and he needed to fix it. "Is something wrong?" He demanded, Krystal had began to quaver and tear up.

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