Chapter 12

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Alex was groggy, and he couldn't open his eyes. He must have fallen asleep. For some reason he felt pleasantly warm. His memory was still disjointed from the night before. He was covered up in some kind of fuzzy blanket. He gave it an experimental squeeze and was rewarded with a strange sound that reminded him of purring. Confused he forced his eyes open and looked at the blanket.

It wasn't a blanket.

Krystal was entrapping him. Her arms were clutching his chest and her legs had wrapped around his, and her long fluffy tail had blanketed the both of them. She was still asleep, but was making that adorable sound. Her face was mesmerizing. The striking blue fur and tribal markings were truly something beautiful to behold. This was by far the best thing he had ever woken up to. He did not want it to end, so he let himself go back to sleep. For the first time in a long time it was relaxing and restful.

Krystal woke up feeling like a million credits, despite the turbulent night. She noticed that she was still holding on to Alex. That was fine with her. Still, her stomach growled its displeasure, signifying her hunger. So, reluctantly, she untangled herself from her human, which promptly shook him from his slumber. "Krys?"

"Hey Alex."

"What were you doing in here?"

"You know, just taking care of my favorite human!" She exclaimed cheerily.

He laughed a hardy laugh, thankful that it wasn't ruined by a fit. "I'm the only human."

"Details, details." She shrugged off.

He laughed some more. "Well in any case, thanks for being here." He said happily.

"I'll always be there for you." She said, green eyes sparkling.

He got of the bed and swept her into a hug. "And I'll be there for you." He whispered into her ear, tickling the fur and making her shiver. He pulled away and looked into her eyes. "Now! Lest get some grub, I feel especially hungry today."

"How coincidental! So do I!"

"Well then what are we waiting for?" He had changed out of the tank top and back into his outfit, (minus the jacket) he had to see about getting new clothes.

Krystal was wearing a purple skirt and shirt combo with sandals, In his opinion she looked great. Those thoughts aside, they left his room and headed down to the kitchenette for breakfast. When they got there they saw a half asleep avian and an orange vulpine at the table. Falco was drinking something that smelled allot like coffee and Fox's head was buried in his cereal.

"This place looks so lively!" Alex said jokingly. Falco just looked up and grunted. Fox was still knocked out. "Now this just won't do, will it Krystal?"

"Oh not at all!" She exclaimed pseudo haughtily.

"I guess we will just have to fix it!" Alex said with a dangerous gleam in his eye. He practically flew to the industrial sized fridge, with Krystal on his heels laughing at his antics. He flung the metal door open and took a quick inventory. "Mmmm...I know! How about some good old fashioned eggs and bacon, with...pancakes?" Krystal's stomach growled in agreement causing her to blush profusely. "It appears we are in agreement." He felt great today, maybe the sickness has abated.

He grabbed a whole box of eggs and what appeared to be bacon. On his way out he snatched some pancake mix. What was most surprising about living with anthropomorphic animals was the fact they had the exact same food products. "Hey Falco, where do you guys he eggs?"

Falco looked a him "chickens."

" mind." He said somewhat deflated. "Anyways! Let's get cooking." He went to the stove, it was much more complicated then he had seen before. "Why do they make these things so damn confusing, I mean seriously, you don't need this many freaking buttons!" Krystal just giggled and watched, not helping. It took him a good ten minutes to figure the wretched thing out. But by then he was cooking up a storm. Krystal watched him, slack jawed, as he expertly prepared scrambled eggs, while frying the bacon. The smell had drifted past Falco and Fox. The bird looked more awake, and fox had jolted out of his cereal and was snuffling in the direction of the food.

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