Chapter 6

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Fox and Slippy exited the blue-marine once they entered the hanger. With haste they made way to the bridge. They walked in to see Miyu, Fay, and the others sitting waiting for them. "Okay Fox what in the world is going on?" Miyu demanded her long ears flicking in annoyance.

"In an effort to save time I will shorten the story. Yesterday we were running a security gig at Beltino industries. He was testing a teleporter. Something went wrong and an alien from another reality appeared. His name was Alexander. He told a tragic story of his peoples destruction. Since he was a soldier I asked him to join starfox. He had nothing left so he agreed. That's about it you heard the rest."

"What's a marker?" Fay asked.

"Something very bad." Fox didn't want to worry them with something like that just yet.

"I wish we could see what he's doing!" Falco shouted. "That way he could have some sort of support. We should be their Fox he shouldn't have to do this alone."

"He didn't want us to get hurt Falco unfortunately I have to agree with him. We don't know how to handle this. We could easily been more a hinderance then help."

"Uh fox, we can see what he's doing." Slippy muttered.


"When I patted him on the back I planted a bug that could interface with his suits audio and video system. Although it is only one way." He explained sheepishly.

"Well then what are you waiting for turn it on!" Falco exclaimed. They all agreed with Falco's sentiment.

Slippy hurriedly accessed the huge monitor in the room.

Interfacing with suit 10%, 20%, 30%... It went on until it reached one hundred.

Initializing connection...connection established.

The screen then lit up to reveal a long bloody corridor. The point of view was from Alexander's helmet. He was slowly walking along the corridor sweeping his rifle around. He was visibly shaking the light and reticles shivered in the dark.

It was worse then he thought. There were no bodies. This meant that A-the survivors fled and took their fallen with them. Or B-they had already converted into necromorphs. Neither theory boded well for him or the survivors, if there were any. As he walked down the corridors he could hear chattering in the vents and slick slithering. They were close. Strangely they kept their distance. This made Alexander very curios. Every time he's fought them they had suicidely charged into his gunfire.

Suddenly a vent exploded next to him. He whipped his gun around to face it. Nothing came out. Hesitantly he walked up to it. He peered in, there was nothing but darkness. Puzzled he slowly backed away and continued his search. First he would try to find any survivors. Considering there were any and he could find them and make sure they could hold out long enough for the next part of his plan. Second he would need to find the marker and interface with it. Then he could destroy it from within.


Blaster fire! Alexander rushed to the noise. Barely paying heed to his surroundings. A few minutes later he found the source. Slumped against a wall at an intersection was a tiger. His armor was shredded and whatever had done this to him was long gone. Wasting little time he rushed to the tigers aide. "Sir can you here me!" He shouted.


"What happened?" Alexander was desperately trying to staunch his bleeding. It was hopeless blood was flowing out of a dozen cuts and slashes.

"B-bastard p-p-popped out of nowhere. *cough* got em good but it still bolted."

"I'm sorry I was too late." Alexander said sadly.

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