Chapter 14

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They got back to the ship half an hour before dark. As the team walked up the ramp, Alex hung back and waited for the shipment of items he purchased. After a few minutes a truck drove up, and out stepped a few burly wolves and a bear. The bear walked up to Alex uninterested in the fact he was an alien. "We got your order sir." He grumbled, the wolves were unloading the items and placing them down in front of the closed hanger door.

"Thank you." Alex said before fishing around in his pocket for some credits that he had converted into chips. He held out the bundle of currency, which the bear took hesitantly.

"You don't have to pay us again, the company already did."

"Nonsense, a working man should always be paid for his labour." Alex responded kindly.

The bear looked down and his eyes bulged out. "I think you miscounted sir." There was several thousand credits in his paws.

"I didn't." Alex replied simply.

"I-I can't take this." The bear said, "it's too much."

"Sure you can, just make sure to give equal share to your men." Alex said with a friendly smile.

"T-thank you sir!" The bear exclaimed.

"It is I who should thank you." He watched the bear walk over to his fellows and show off their surprise tip. The wolves muzzles went from disbelief to shock as they looked into the cupped paws of their boss. Alex walked away whistling contentedly at a kindness done. He always enjoyed making other people happy. Now came the hard part. He picked up the cabinet with a groan and hauled it into the ship.

It took him twenty minutes to carry in all the gifts. But when he was done he felt satisfied. He truly hoped they would enjoy his gifts. Not wanting anyone to find them prematurely he stashed the gifts in a seemingly abandoned storage room. Then he covered them up with some wrapping paper he had shipped also. The cabinet was a hassle, but after a grueling twenty minutes he was done. He dusted off his hands after he placed the last wrapped item. "A job well done." He commented to nobody in particular.

With the presents safely hidden he could now put away the other things he had bought for his own personal use. He finished setting up the last item, a loading station.

"Hiya Alex, watcha doing?" He heard the high pitched voice of Slippy inquire.

"Oh nothing, just taking a gander about the hanger and setting up shop."

"Oh, I just saw you so I thought I would ask." Slippy said walking away.

Since he finished, he decided to follow after Slippy. They walked together until Alex saw his room. He was exhausted from his long day, so he quickly went to the door. "Later Slip." He said goodbye and opened the door. He walked in and stopped. Krystal and Fay were laying in his bed and were talking. "What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you." Krystal answered.

"Okay, Why?" He asked befuddled.

"So we can sleep." Fay replied.

" why?"

"So we can sleep together!" Krystal exclaimed finally. He could see her tail thumping under the blue blanket. "We wanted to spend time with you."

He was too tired to object, and frankly, he liked the idea. "Move over." They both moved so he could lay in the middle. Thankfully the bed was large enough to accommodate all three of them. Krystal snuggled backwards into his chest, so he wrapped his arms around her. She murred happily and shifted until she was satisfied. Her tail was in laying on his leg and moving softly. Alex could feel Fay's furry arms as she hugged him from behind. He felt incredibly comfortable. Idly scratching behind Krystal's ears he slowly drifted off to sleep.

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