Chapter 13

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Krystal and Fay looked at him expectantly for an answer. Honestly he was dumbfounded. "I don't know what to say."

"It's simple, do you like her?" Krystal said.

"Yeah, but I'm already with you." He answered back awkwardly.


"Back in my reality we only ever had one significant other." He explained.

"Well here it's not unheard of for their to be multiple people in a relationship."

"I don't know,'it doesn't seem right." Alex said reluctantly.

Krystal looked upset. "Is it so wrong for more then one person to like each other?"

"No bu-"

"No buts, its a simple choice, do you like her?"


"Well, what's the problem then."

"What about you?" He attempted one last objection meekly.

"I helped her get the courage to ask, and here you are being very rude." Krystal scolded, and demolished his last argument.

He sighed, why was he even arguing? Most guys would love for this to happen. He looked to Fay who had a worried look on her muzzle. " like me?"

She nodded enthusiastically, long brown ears flopping cutely. He guessed that the most she could do was that, clearly gathering the courage to do this was her limit.

"Okay then, that's good cause I like you too." She slammed into him happily, tail wagging ferociously. "Although I don't know what I did to deserve this wonderful attention." He added out of breath.

"Silly, it's who you are." Fay finally said.

"Who am I?" He asked her curiously.

"A funny, kind, strong, dependable, and brave man." Fay replied vigorously.

"Wow, I sound awesome." He chuckled, eliciting a giggle from the both of them.

Seconds later Fox came from a side hallway and was not paying attention. He collided with Alex sending the both of them to the floor spluttering. They immediately leaped up and brushed themselves off dignifiedly. Acting as if that had not just happened, ignoring the uncontrollable giggles coming from the two girls.

"Sup Fox." Alex said nonchalantly not looking in the direction of the vulpine.

"You know, just walking around." Fox replied equally nonchalant and looking straight ahead.

"Cool, cool." Alex said smoothly.

"What a bunch of bozos." Krystal whispered loudly to Fay.

"So where are you off to in such a huff." Alex asked steering the topic away from their collision.

"Actually I was looking for you. I wanted to see if you would like to go to the mall." Fox offered.

"The mall." Alex deadpanned.

"Yeah, considering our big payout from Pepper, I thought we could go get some stuff, and set up an account for you."

"Huh...thats actually a good idea." Alex said in surprise.

"I take it that means you want to go?"

"Yeah sure."

Krystal and Fay squealed excitedly. "The mall!" Alex had a very bad feeling about this.

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