Chapter 8

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Alexander? Alexander? ALEXANDER!" Krystal was shaking his lifeless body screaming and crying. Tears were following like a river off of her muzzle and striking the prone form of the last human. Falco and Fox stood there numb.

"What do we do?" Falco shouted.

"Maybe we can help him on The Great Fox." Fox said with little confidence.

"We can't carry him by ourselves."

"We can try."

Suddenly the door opened and four heavy armored cornerians strode in with two black wolves. One was older in a lab coat, and the other was young at about ten years of age.

When the younger wolf saw Alexander on the floor she screamed and ran over to cradle his head. The older one walked up to fox. "What the hell happened? And what are you doing here? He told me starfox was here but that they weren't inside the facility."

"When we saw him go into the artifact room we rushed down here in the blue-marine to help, even though he told us not to. As we got closer we saw him fight that thing," he pointed at the massive dead necromorph. It pinned him to the wall but he managed to kill it. Then he was attacked again by a pack of these things. As we finally entered the room he put his hand on the artifact and froze for a few seconds. Then it just fell apart and he fell to the ground. What are you doing here?"

"Now is not the time for explanations, we need to get him to your ship." Lupa said quickly. "We should be able to revive him there."

"Agreed. At least with your help we can pick him up."

Lupa motioned for the guard to lift the limp body and they did. A distraught Krystal and Penelope followed closely behind. As the group rushed out of the room with their unmoving cargo Fox questioned the wolf woman again.

"So how did you get here?"

"When he left my little sister Penelope was distraught. After her unending pleading I finally managed to convince. A team of guards to help him. Unfortunately it seems we were too late." They arrived at one of the docking tubes, the one that held the blue-marine. The guards stashed Alexander inside and exited. "I wish I could come with, but I should wait with the others until the authorities arrive." She said sadly.

"Lupa, you can go with them. We can watch over the people." The horse guard from earlier said.

"Are you certain?"

"Yeah we'll be fine." He reassured.

"I don't know." She mummered.

"Come on sis what are you waiting for!" The pup shouted. She was already in the ship with Krystal who was hugging onto Alexander's chest and sniffling.

"Alright then." She climbed in with the others and the ship quickly left. It traveled at great speed to the Great Fox. As soon as it docked they all lifted the prone form of Alexander and rushed him out and to the medbay.

Along the way Miyu, Fay, Slippy, and Peppy showed up. They placed him onto a gurney and wheeled him to the auto surgeon. Remembering something Fox pressed the button on his helmet and it broke apart and returned to its storage area inside the gorget. This revealed his golden eyed human face. Lupa and Penelope gasped in surprise. Miyu and Fay only started a little bit because they already knew he was an alien.

"What is he?" Lupa wondered aloud.

"He's an alien." Fox answers as the surgeon efficiently cleaned up its patient and began the healing process. It pressed two pads to his chest and with a thump shocked him. He was hooked up to the life support system. With another jolt his heart beat once and flatlined. "Come on man wake up." Fox urged.

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