Chapter 5

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Alexander awoke from his nap. The day before had ended after his conversation with Krystal. He took the time as he lay in bed to go over recent events. He was in a different universe, which was most likely entirely populated by animal people, he was going to join a mercenary company called Starfox, and so far he hasn't felt any aftereffects of the marker signal. Which was in fact due to the necklace he never ever took off.

The pendant looked like a marker, but it canceled out the markers signal. It also prevents the growth of his current dementia. This little bit of technology was made during the war to stop the soldiers from going insane after prolonged exposure to the artifacts.

After he was done rerunning the last days events in his mind Alexander got out of bed to where his armor was. Once he was stripped down to his body suit and had stored his civilian outfit he climbed back into his armor. It sealed back up around him. He took a bit of time to run the basic movement exercises to make sure the joints still moved properly. Satisfied with its functionality Alexander was ready for the day. His good mood was broken by one innocent thought.

How was he supposed to contact anyone?

He had neglected to ask for a communication device or anything of the like, neither did he have an inkling of where they might be. His desperate dilemma was solved when he heard a knock on the door. Anxious he quickly went over to open it.

Standing there was a blue and red avian. Alexander thought it was Falco. "Uh...Falco is it?"

The avian nodded his head. "Yeah the names Falco, Fox forgot to get you a communicator and so he sent me down here to retrieve you."

"Alright then."

"So just follow me and I'll take you to him."

"Sound like a plan." Falco was obviously not a patient bird. Right after Alexander said that he swiveled around and left, hopefully to where ever Fox was. With his guide swiftly disappearing he had no choice but to go after him. Falco was quiet for the entire trip.

As they walked in silence Alexander found himself gently rubbing the pendant around his neck with his gloved hands. It was his salvation and damnation. It was the only reason he was not insane, unfortunately it was also condemning him. As per its design it emitted a undetectable frequency that while preventing his insanity, did not reverse it, and in point of fact was killing him slowly. The frequency over a very long period of time corrupted brain function. Eventually it will cause his organs to fail and he will die. Before the collapse the sovereign colonies had a solution for the markers effects but it was lost when earth fell. Perhaps with the help of the cornerians he could rediscover the cure.

Deciding that now was not the time to think of his demise Alexander focused on following Falco. He was by this time opening a door and holding it for Alexander. "Well are ya coming?" He asked sarcasticly.

With a sigh Alexander walked into the room. In the room was Fox, General Pepper, Krystal, a frog, and a hare. He could only deduce that the frog was Slippy and the hare was Peppy. When Fox saw him he smiled widely Krystal was also. "Morning Alexander! I see you decided to join the land of the living." Poor Fox did not know how ironic that was.

"Yes I did, and I have to say for military cots those beds are exceedingly comfortable."

Fox laughed. "Yeah first time I slept here I said the same thing."

"Good morning Alexander." Krystal said still smiling.

"To you as well." Alexander replied. "It is nice to see you."

"Alright let's get to business." Fox cut the pleasantries short. "I take it you have made your decision?"

"Yes I have, I've come to conclude that your offer is right for me."

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