Chapter 23

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Alex was in a dark room, laying upon the grate like flooring, not a single light was to be seen. Seriously confused, he tried to get up, having a difficult time managing it with only a single arm. Yet after some determined grunts he managed to get on his feet. As he tried to puzzle out where he was, he stumbled around the dark room, looking for a light switch or door, anything that could alleviate the crushing darkness surrounding him. After a few minutes of fumbling around with his arm, he sighed in defeat, falling to his knees in despair, the blackness was choking, making him gasp for air.

That is when things went from bad to worse. The once hidden walls showed themselves, red runes seeming to be scratched into them before the concerned human's eyes and began to glow brightly. But it was not a friendly glow, it held a sickly aura and seemed to promise nothing but madness. That was not all, the lettering itself sparked something in his damaged head, something that he did not like in the least. Alex felt as if a greasy and oil blanket was slowly ensnaring his brain and constricting, blotting out lucid thought and reason. He knew, somehow, that it was responsible due to the festering crimson scribbles that were carved around him.

He tried his best to tear his eyes away from them and try to win back his hard fought self and the measly memories he tore from his clouded mind. But it was inevitably futile, it was an affliction of the soul, and could not be so easily beaten. For every second he stared into the archaic blood red runes, he felt things begin to slip away, NO! He would not let himself go again!

With one last desperation filled roar, he wrenched himself onto the floor and huddled up into a ball. There he began to cry, alone and afraid, his only companions being the sultry whispering voices in his mind, softly pleading him to look back upon the wondrous gift they wished to bestow upon him. As he continued his obstinate refusal, the voices slowly shifted from friendly and welcoming to violent and coarse, that's when he felt something grab him and toss his battered body into the air. The force was so great he slammed into the ceiling, and heard a sharp snap as something gave in his chest.

He fell to the floor with a whimpering moan, he had felt his left leg give away, and he could see bone protruding from his mangled calf. The mauled human looked to see what was tormenting him and saw the most frighting and beastly creature his amnesiac mind had ever laid eyes on.

It must have once been a human, but now it was some twisted atrophied carcass given a sick version of new life. Its guts were open to the air, seemingly held in by some unknown force, and it had some tannish bone like protrusions out of its shoulders that looked more like spears then anything else. Its face was a decayed wreck, the lower jaw was hanging off a single strand of rotten sinew and it had more saber-like teeth then a shark. The monster was far larger then a normal human being, standing at roughly seven feet. But, for some reason, even with all the decay and mutation warping its visage, Alex felt as of he knew the thing. As he gazed upon its putrid countenance, he noted that its bloated eyes held a spark of intelligence in them. This was no simple beast...but something more.

"We meet again Alex." The creature spoke, it's lower jaw flapped uselessly up and down as it did, the whole act was pointless considering the noise did not emanate from the polluted corpses voice box, but rather through the very air itself. The buzzing resonance of its speech smothering his wit.

"Who...what..are you?" Alex demanded in-between broken sobs as he clutched his broken limb. The bone was stained red, Jutting from the splintered leg.

"Don't you remember me? We just spoke earlier." It hissed mockingly, a strange concept for a terrifying monster. "It's me, Santiago."

Alex unconsciously shook his head in denial, something the creature noticed. "Oh but yes!" It snarled, stepping closer with its mangled legs, dragging the left uselessly along. "If only you could remember, you would know that you abandoned your species to die! This is what I am now Alex, this is what you made all of us!" It howled, smashing Alex to the floor with a talon. The blow sliced his chest open vertically, soon which flowed a crimson river.

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