Chapter 21

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He woke up with a blazing pain in his side. He sat up holding onto his side, it hurt just to breathe. Where was he? Who was he? He looked up, to what must have been the strangest sight in his pitifully short memory. There were animals, bipedal animals! And they were standing around him.

There was an orange male fox, and two vixens, one red and the What the hell? Also around him was a toad, some sort of bird, an old dog with two armored companions, a rabbit, an older and younger wolf, and finally some sort of feline and another dog, the last four looked like females but the disorientated man couldn't be sure. Okay what was going on? "Who the fuck are you guys?" He demanded of them, he wanted answered and he would get them!

For some reason they seemed confused, what the heck? He should be the one confused. "Uh...don't you remember us?" The male fox asked, with what looked to be a disturbed expression.

"No!" He grunted angrily before shouting. "I don't even remember my own fucking name!" They froze and looked to each other with distraught faces. He felt kinda bad and so lowered his tone of voice. "Why...should I?"

"Don't you remember" The blue vixen asked, voice cracking, and gestured to herself and then to the female dog.

For some reason he felt that he should, but he didn't. "I'm sorry...but no." He felt terrible as he said it, but it was the truth.

She visibly deflated and almost collapsed onto the linoleum floor. She was saved by the red colored fox woman and the feline, who held her upright. The little wolf girl was crying and being held by the older one.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!" The avian growled angrily throwing his hands into the air. While they all looked like someone died, he looked down to his own body, it was suddenly wracked with jolting pain.

He groaned and clenched his chest with his remaining hand and snarled in pain, gasping. His heart felt as though it was being throttled. "Uuuaagghhhh!" He roared in pain and fell over out of the bed, and onto the cold tiled ground. The group in front of him froze as he seized on the floor groaning pain.

"Oh gods!" The blue vixen shouted in fear and ran to his side, and tried to hold his quivering form, soon followed by that brown and white female dog. Even in the delirious pain, the man looked to them in wonder. Who had he been to these two, to make them worry so? The pain became so intense that he jarred to a stop and blacked out.

As soon as Alex stopped shaking, Krystal began to cry over him. This was not what she was expecting, amnesia and sickness, it was terrible! Would he ever be the same again? "Its worse then I had feared." Peppy said sadly as he looked at the once strong human. The one who had seemed invincible, coming out on top of everything he had faced.

"Will he ever be the same?" Miyu asked, her eyes watery. (Penelope was still crying, holding onto her sister like a drowning man to a raft. Falco and Fox stood, with dark frowns on their faces. Slippy was speechless, staring at the amnesiac human on the floor. Pepper, had a tired expression, he had seen too much of this before. His two guards were slumped, but still standing. These had been the two to first speak with Alex before he joined Starfox, all that time, long ago. They had been elated to see him again, but they were not elated with what they had found.)

"I don't know...I just don't know." Peppy replied. They all sat in silence, having no idea what to do now.

The man awoke again, he had no idea how long he had slept, or even where he was. But he did know that his dreams where filled with those two animal girls, that vixen and that dog. They floated around in his mind, frustrating him when he couldn't place who they were. Once more he wracked his brain, desperately trying to recall who he was, who he had been. But for all his efforts, he did not find an answer.

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