Epilogue: Mended

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Two weeks Later

Alex sat in the hospital bed; he was staring at the black bionic that replaced his missing left arm. The doctors had custom crafted it yesterday and installed it last night. It was a long and painful process. They had to go off what they knew about human skeletal and muscular data. He had to admit they did a fantastic job; it was a glossy smooth obsidian color and looked close enough to a regular arm that he could almost forget it was counterfeit. The only downside was that he could not feel anything with it. But it was a small price to pay to be able to have two hands again.

He sighed and drew his gaze away from his new robotic limb and to the window of his room. Eric Liedman had gone into hiding. General Pepper had called a galaxy wide manhunt but had not found him. Whenever he thought about he got a sick feeling in his gut. 'What was that monster doing?' He dreaded to think if the ape somehow got the ability to create those evil machines, what he would do to Lylat. This place had become the home he lost, it still hurt to remember that they were gone. His entire race eradicated, he was the last. When he died, so would his race, fading into galactic ambiguity.

"Watcha thinking about?" A kind feminine voice called out from behind him.

And there was the reason he was not afraid, or rather one of the many reasons. Smiling, he turned to the cobalt vixen sitting in the chair beside his bed. She had fallen asleep with a book in her lap snoring softly in the quiet chamber; he had burned the image in his mind before looking out the window.

Krystal, the fuzzy blue woman that had saved his life and his soul, and had been kind enough to fall in love with him, she was the most important person in his life. Without her or the others he would have ended it all along time ago. "Just thinking, it has been quite the journey hasn't Krys?" He said with a distant tone full of emotion.

She stood up and sat beside him on the bed, leaning onto his shoulder and wrapping him in a hug. "It has, and I would do it all over again, every single part." She replied with a sweet tone, licking his cheek affectionately and enfolding her tail around his chest.

"Would you really?' He asked with a devious smile, turning to look at her with his golden eyes. "Every moment?"

"Without a lick of hesitation." She said firmly backing up her statement with another lick, this time on the mouth.

He chuckled and wrapped her in his arms, the metallic one on her shoulder. "I would too Krystal, through all the suffering pain and heartache, I would do it all again. For along with that, there was something more, something amazing, something...better."

"What?" She asked.

'You." He whispered softly, giving her a peck on the bridge of her muzzle and looking deep into her pools of molten emerald. "You."

Her eyes slowly began to shine and she tackled him into the sheets kissing him so roughly that he could feel her tongue near his throat. They lay on the bed for hours, simply enjoying each other's closeness. But alas, it could not go on forever. Today was his last day in the hospital, all of his wounds have been healed, but they would leave scars upon his body and mind. Alex could care less, with Krystal's and the other's help he could pass any challenge, any obstacle. All he wanted now was to spend time with his family, talk with the gang and play with Penelope. He wanted to live now, no more suffering, no more loss, no more pain, just the happiness he deserved.

The only thing that told him it would not last was the fact that Eric was still out there. But when Alex found him, he would let the crazed ape join his comrades in death. Then he could rest easy, knowing that Lylat and his friends were safe. The fight was far from over; there were many threats out in the galaxy. Some no doubt more vile and sinister then even the necromorph plague.

But, for now he would push all his worries to the side. He had a very important question to ask. He looked down to Krystal who was dozing contentedly on his chest, ears flicking to the beat of his heart. "Krys." He said tenderly, making her open her eyes and look up.

"Yes Alex?'

"Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He asked.

Her eyes flashed and she squeezed him tighter, placing her muzzle vertically on his chest, with her body atop his. "Yes Alex." She replied before beginning to fall asleep once more.

He didn't respond, he just drifted off to sleep alongside his fiancé, tomorrow was a new day, and for once, he was looking forward to it.

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