Chapter 4

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They sat in the conference room after the video had faded to black. The room was silent as they tried to grasp the reality of the humans situation. "So that's what happened, I am the last of my people." Alexander sighed sadly.

General Pepper focused on him. "I, on behalf of the cornerian people offer my condolences, and I personally would like to commend your valorous efforts."

"Thank you sir, but I failed my people. I was supposed to get them out of there, because I didn't my entire race is gone. When I die so will my species." Alexander said quietly. He looked distraught as he sat in his chair. He clearly had no one or anything left. "I don't even know what to do anymore. I had no family left, they were converted into those things many years ago. The army was my family after that, and now I don't even have them. What do I do now?"

Krystal's heart bled for him. She lost everything when her planet was destroyed. She knew what it was like to be alone, to be the only one. She was about to suggest something when Pepper spoke.

"Well son, I don't know what it's like to lose everything to something like that, but if you need something to do you can join the cornerian army. We could use a soldier like you. Of course we would have to run some tests and what not before you would be cleared, but if you did pass I would be honored to have you."

"Like me? I failed my duty. Why would you want me?"

"You displayed conduct befitting of a good soldier and a will to keep going no matter the circumstances. We need more men like that." Pepper said seriously.

The human looked deep in thought, no doubt trying to puzzle out what he should do now. Fox was studying him closely. From what he saw he was brave and an excellent soldier. Someone that the starfox team could use. Fox also noticed how intensely Krystal was looking at him. She was obviously interested in him. With that in mind fox came to a decision. "General if I may, I have an idea."

Pepper stopped taking to the human. "What would that be Fox?"

"What if, if he agrees of course, he were to join Starfox?"

Pepper thought about it. "I don't have a problem with that, is that what you would like?" He asked Alexander.

He answered after a moment. "I don't want to be rude, but could I have a day to think about it? This is all going very fast. I was fighting monsters less then a day ago, and now I'm in some different place with people I have never seem before."

"Of course you can! How about I get some of my men to take you to an available room where you can rest?" Pepper said.

"That would be appreciated sir. I would also like to request that my handgun be returned. After it's...malfunction I would like to fix it." Alexander replied.

"Alright I'll see what I can do." Pepper pressed something on the wrist of his red and yellow uniform. Seconds later two armored huskies with strange looking rifles walked in from a side door. "Sergeant." Pepper called to one of them. Their ears perked up when they were called. "Please escort Alexander here to the open quarters on level 7, and on the way stop by the armory and return his pistol to him."

"Yes sir!" They said unanimously. The one on the left, a malamute, turned to Alexander "if you would follow us sir, we will take you now."

"Alright then." The human said as he got up from his seat near the door. He turned to the occupants of the room. " it was nice meeting you all I shall think on your offers." Alexander then followed the two huskies out of the room.

The room was quiet until Pepper spoke, "so Fox what do you think of all this?"

"Well sir, I think that his man has lost everything. I don't want to sound crude, but I think we should put him on suicide watch." Fox said bluntly.

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