More of Them

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I walked silently down the halls of my school, listening to the rumors being spread.

"I heard she slept with Greg Saturday night."

"That's why Jordan broke up with her."

"Did you hear what Becca told me?"


I ignored the comments and walked straight into the one I was looking for, Greg. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pinned him up to his locker. "Did you have anything to do with these rumors?!" I asked.

"No! I swear! How can I prove it to you?" I loosened my grip and sighed.

"You can't. You're his best friend." Jordan and Greg were pretty much alike, both good looking, sweet at times, and douchey. Greg wasn't as douchey as Jordan, but hey.

"I wasn't even at the party Saturday night, so this is all news to me."

I looked into his brown eyes. "Me either. Sorry I accused you."

"No problem." he began shoving things in his locker. "I wouldn't blame you, I'm the jerks best friend." That was the last word said before the bell rang.


"What are we doing today?" I asked taking a seat next to the other guys.

"Well, we need to practice songs but don't have to go to the studio for that. Other than that, nothing." Liam said, he turned on the Tv.

"I invited someone." Lou said, taking a bite of a rather large carrot.

"Who?" Harry asked, wide-eyed.


"Why? I mean not that I don't want her to be here...but why?" I sounded really stupid right there.

"Oohhhh Zayn's got a crush!" Niall yelled. I glared at him.

"I invited her because I forgot my beanie at her house yesterday, and I gave her our address to give it back." I made the "O" formation with my mouth.

"Why on earth would you do that?! She could be a FANGIRL!" Liam yelled over the loudness of the Tv.

"Oh trust me, she's not." I laughed. I walked over to the kitchen to get something to eat. I opened the fridge and got out some milk, then went to the cupboard to get some cereal. I munched away happily, thinking of Rhia.


"Why can't this day be over?" I asked Greg in the middle of Science.

"We only have an hour to go." he whispered back. I let out a loud sigh.

"Is there something you would like to say Miss. Williams?" Ms. Pierce asked. I heard laughter from the back of the room. Jordan and his group of cronies.

"No, nothing." i replied and took the rest of my notes.

Finally three o'clock came! I walked to the local coffee shop and grabbed a frappe. I took out my phone and looked at the address Louis gave me. When I got to the place I had to double check the address. It didn't look right. This place looked like only the rich could buy it. I shrugged and walked into The building, using the elevator to get to the fourth floor. I walked down the hall until I found room 304, and I knocked.

"Hello." Louis smiled opening the door and leaning on the frame.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Won't you come in?" he asked In a weird voice that made me laugh. I walked inside and my jaw dropped.

"This place is amazing."

"Grand tour?" he asked, holding his arm out. I linked my arm into his and let him lead the way. "This is the kitchen, where we have Niall eating a bagel." Niall blushed and shoved the rest of the bagel into his mouth. "He's a rare one." I couldn't help but laugh. "Here's the living room, where Liam is hogging up the Tv."

"What are you doing Lou?" Liam asked turning around. He looked straight into my eyes and immediately blushed. He scrambled off the couch almost tripping and extended a hand towards me. "I'm Liam."

"Rhia." I shook his hand. "Oh, before I forget." I handed Lou his beanie.

"Thanks love. Shall we?" he gestures towards the rest of the flat.


what is wrong with me? Why am I getting so hyped up about this girl?! I have Danielle! Maybe I should call her over to keep things right. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.


"And this is the game room." he opened the door to reveal a bunch of consoles. "And that's Harry." he pointed to Harry who was playing the Wii. He smiled and paused the game.

"I'm Harry." he said flirtatiously and kisses my hand.

"Rhia." I smiled.

"Oh so you're Rhia?" he asked, eyeing me.

"That's me." I smiled again. "The one and I think only." he laughed. Man, he was such a flirt.

"And if we go this way," Lou lead me out of the game room. "We run into a Zayn, that just came out of the shower." he said disgustedly. When he saw me, his face got all red, he smiled and ran off, holding his towel around his waist. "Alright, back to the living room." we walked to the living room and I saw a really pretty girl standing there. "And here we have Danielle."

"Hi." she smiled at me. "I'm Danielle, Liam's girlfriend."

"Hi, I'm Rhia, nobody's girlfriend." I said stupidly. She smiled at me. She seemed really nice.

"Dani's a dancer too." Lou smiled and made his way to the couch.

"Oh you're a dancer?" she asked. She seemed interested.

"Yeah, I'm head captain of my school's team. How about you?"

"I danced on stage for an LMFAO concert." That caught me off guard.

"No way?! You have to be like a professional then."

"I don't like to brag." she smiled.

"I am here in a less embarrassing way." Zayn bounded around the corner.

"Well hi there." I smiled. He pulled me in for a hug, and let me tell you, I wanted to be there for a long time. "Didn't think I'd see you here."

"I live here." he told me, confused.

I looked at Lou. "you guys live here together?"

"More like all five of us." he gestures to the rest of the boys that magically appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh.." I took a seat next to Zayn on the couch and sat silently. Everyone stared at me, quite honestly it freaked me out. "Any reason you lot are staring at me?"

"Oh, we just wanted to talk to you." Niall said, shoving his hands in a bag of chips.

"So tell us about yourself." said Harry.

I basically told them everything I had told Zayn yesterday. I couldn't help but notice through the whole conversation Liam was staring at me. Not looking like all the others, but staring, like he was staring through my soul.

"Let's go swimming." said Niall. All the boys raced out of the room.

"I don't have anything to swim with." I told Danielle.

"Oh, don't worry, I don't either. I have a bunch of my clothes in Liam's room. You can borrow one of my bathing suits." she smiled.

I ended up wearing a black bathing suit with golden studs on them.

"Surprisingly warm weather for London." I tried to make conversation with Danielle on the way to the pool.

"I know. It's odd, but I wouldn't question it. I hate the rainy weather."

When we got to the pool, I noticed Zayn sitting along the edge, dipping his feet in.

"Don't feel like swimming? "I asked.

His face got red. "No...I... I can't swim."

My eyes went wide. "I'll teach you if you want."

"Really?" I nodded. We walked to the shallow end.

"Get in".

"What?" he asked.

"Get in." I walked into the water, it came up to my shoulders. Zayn slowly got in and shuddered at the coldness. "Do you know how to do the doggy paddle?" I asked.

"That's probably the only thing I can do." he laughed.

"Show me." He began splashing around. "That's good...I think." I laughed. "I'm not an expert at the strokes, so bear with me."

"I'm not one to judge." he smiled.


"Ohhh look at them over there." Danielle said. "They look so cute together." I looked over to where Rhia was helping Zayn swim.


"What's wrong?" Dani asked.

"Nothing." I said quickly. She looked like she didn't Believe me, but didn't push it any farther. Thank God.

"Water gun fight!" Louis yelled, shooting me in the back of the head.

"Cheating!" I yelled. "I don't even have a gun!"

"Well grab one dumb dumb." Niall hands me a gun and we divide up into teams. Me and Dani, Louis and Harry, and Niall had to fend for himself, poor guy.


Rhia was an amazing teacher, I'm learning how to swim. "I think I've got this one." I tried doing the breast stroke. She didn't reply. I looked over at her, she was staring at where the boys as Dani were having a water gun fight. "You know, if you want to go over there you can. You don't have to stay here with me."

She turned back to look at me. "Are you crazy? You think I'm going to leave you here alone? What kind of a friend would I be of I did that?"

I took a long look at the water gun fight. It did look fun. "let's go."

"What?" she asked shocked.

"I think I'm ready to go to the deep end." I say with an evil voice.

"That end is 8 feet deep." she says. I shrug. "Whatever you say." I watched as she quickly swam over to the rest of them. For me, swimming over there that fast would probably take an hour. I swam short distances and finally made it.

"HOORAY!" everyone shouted. I laughed.


it was about five o'clock when we left the pool. After everyone had their showers, including me, we hung around the game room. I saw that I had over twenty missed calls from my dad and voice mails that I didn't wait to hear. I decided to ignore them. The boys played a competitive game of tennis on the Wii. Well, if you call smacking each other in the face while swinging the racket, competitive. Danielle and I played a friendly game of pool. I think we're actually friends now. Dani is a friend I can trust.

"I'm hungry!" Niall moaned.

"Same." Everyone else agreed.

"Nandos." Niall smiled.

"I work there, I can get us a discount." I offered.

"Not necessary. Niall has a black card." Harry told me.

"Well aren't you a lucky one." I pinched Niall's cheek.


It was weird coming here on my off days, I never really liked my job but the food is good.

"Oh Hi Rhia." Doug smiled as he lead us to our table. I smiled in return. It wasn't that busy, good I didn't need if to be. Once we were seated, I regretted coming here.

"I'm leaving." I got up from the table.

"Where are you going?" everyone asked.

"I don't want to be here."

"Why?" Zayn asked, as he pulled me into a chair.

"Them." I pointed to Jordan, Becca, and Greg. I didn't have a problem with Greg, but he was with them do that ticked me off.

"Just ignore them." Zayn whispered in my ear.

"Oh those douches are here?" Lou asked annoyed. His question made me laugh. The other boys gave me questioning looks.

"Jordan, Becca, and Greg." I Told them.

"Ohhh yeah. We remember from your story." Dani said.

"Don't worry, you have us." Liam smiled.

"Thanks guys." I smiled. We got out food almost as quickly as we ordered it. I dug into my spicy Peri Peri Chicken.

"Look what the cat dragged in." I looked up to see Becca standing at my table.

"What do you want?" I asked irritated. She was interrupting my dinner.

"Just wanted to..." she trailed off when she looked at the rest of the table. "You're One Direction!" she squealed. What?

"Yeah." Lou said, full of irritation.

"I love you guys!" they didn't seem to thrilled. They knew what kind of person she was and wasn't going to put up with her fangirling. She then looked at me again with a questioning look. "Why are you guys here with that," she pointed to me. "When you can be here with me." she tried squishing in next to Niall, but Niall bumped her out. Good boy.

"For your information Rhia's our friend." Dani spoke up.

"Oh really? Why would One Direction want to hang out with you?" she asked me.

"What's One Direction?" I whispered to Zayn

"We're the band that covers your sisters wall, the one you said you didn't care for." he smirked. Oh...Shit.

"Oh, sorry." I whispered back.

"Call me when you want to swap this piece of trash for me." Becca grabbed my chips and emptied the basket down my shirt, and walked away. Everyone stared at me, waiting to see what would come next. I calmly got up and walked to the bathroom. As soon as I got to the bathroom I let the tears out. Tears rolled down my cheeks while I pulled the chips out of my bra and threw them in the garbage.

"Rhia." Dani said. I didn't notice she was standing there. "You shouldn't let them bully you. She pulled me into a hug and I cried my eyes out.


a rush of irritation flew through my body. I got up and walked to the table Becca was at.

"Hi doll." she smiled. "Come to your senses and came for me instead?" she tied her res hair into a bun.

"No!" I said angrily.

"Some ones feisty." she made a growling sound. Jordan just laughed and Greg watched on.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I asked Jordan and Becca.

"We don't have a problem. What's your problem?" Jordan laughed. I couldn't take it anymore. I raised my fist and punched him in the face. It soon turned out as an all out brawl, the guys trying to pull me back. "What are you doing?!" I asked them.

"As much as we wanted to see that guys ass kicked, it's not good

For publicity." Harry whispered.

"I don't give a dam about publicity!" I yelled.

"Dude, calm down." Lou placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned to Rhia and Dani walking out of the bathroom, Rhia's eyes wet from crying. I ran down to her.

"Are you ok?" she wiped her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she looked at the ground. I could tell she was lying. "I just want to go."



I didn't feel like going home. What's the point anyway? Leah is at her friends house and I'd be in a world of trouble with my dad. Zayn said I could stay with him and the boys, they all seemed fine with it, so I agreed.

"If you need something we're just a couple doors down." Zayn smiled at me.

"Thanks." I managed a smile. "you didn't have to do that you know."

"Do what?" he had a confused look on his face.

I sat on the bed, Zayn following behind me. "Go beat up Jordan and confront Becca."

He rolled his eyes. "I had to, you're my friend and they are dick faces." We both laughed.

"Thanks for letting me stay here tonight, just telling you now since I'm not going to be here when you wake up."

"Why?" he asked puzzled.

"School." I lay my head on the pillow. Damn this pillow was soft.

"Right. That's just me being stupid, I totally forgot about school."

"Yeah, being famous and all." I smiled.

"Maybe, or maybe I was too focused on other things." he said looking down on me with those chocolate brown eyes that made me melt. I was getting really uncomfortable now. I shifted on the bed so that I was farther away from Zayn. I decided to break the silence.

"So, I have school tomorrow.... I think I should get some sleep." I faked a yawn.

'Oh.. Goodnight then." he smiled and walked towards the door.

"Zayn." I called before he closed the door.


"Thanks." he smiled and with that, shut the door.

The One // Zayn Malik (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now