Love Doctor?

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Rhia's POV:

I slowly walked down the white hospital hall to the waiting area thinking about everything that just happened in that short period of time. I needed advice. Like now. But who? I couldn't talk to Leah, that would probably be awkward. Plus she's just twelve. Zayn is definitely a no so all that's left is Niall and Louis. Maybe I could talk to both of them? Yeah that seemed like the best idea, I thought to myself. I walked into the waiting room when everyone looked pretty chilled out. Everyone looked at me with sympathetic smiles as I walked past then straight to Niall and Louis who were having a conversation about...... q-tips? Ok weird. I pulled a chair in between them listening to the rest of their conversation. When they came to the conclusion the q-tips were not made for ears because they are scary as heck and can poke your eyes out (umm ok?) I decided It was probably the best time to talk to them.

"Hey guys I kinda need some advice on something. Is now a good time to talk?" I asked them quietly

"Yeah sure Rhi Rhi. Lets go to the cafeteria so we can have this 'talk' " Louis told me smirking while putting are quotes around talk.

"Oh my gosh Louis you dirty boy!" I said playfully slapping him.

He just chuckled and smirked at me before standing up and walking off. Me and Niall followed him shaking our heads while laughing slightly. I quickly told the other guys where we were going and ran after Louis. When I turned the corner I couldn't see the boys anymore so slowed down to a walk. I past a small corridor that im guessing led to the bathrooms and took like 3 steps past it before someone wrapped their arms around me making me scream (really loudly I might add.) The person who grabbed me let go and fell to the ground in fits of laughter. Louis.

"Hey no need to freak out its just little old me." He said in between laughs.

"Jerk" I said pouting.

"Excuse me you kids." I heard behind me.

"Uh yeah?" I asked turning around to see a security guard

"I'm going to have to ask you guys to leave for making too much noise"

"Oh I'm sorry sir. My friend here sort of has 'issues' and has trouble staying quiet." I told him pointing to Louis who was sitting on the floor watching us.

"Fine but this is your only warning. Control your friend or I will have to escort you out."

"Ok will do." I said stiffling a laugh while he walked away. Once he left around the corner I turned towards Louis and pulled him up saying, "Come on my friend with issues lets go find Niall."

He chuckled and linked his arm in mine skipping down the hall towards the cafeteria.

We entered the cafeteria. And saw Niall pigging out in one of the tables in the corner. I laughed and walked towards him with Louis' arm still hooked on mine. He sat next to Niall and I sat across from them so I could see their faces.

Niall stopped eating for a few seconds and looked up at me. "So what'd you want to talk to us about?" He asked.

And so I told them everything. I told them about the date with Zayn and kissing him to having feelings for both of them. I paused when before telling them about what happened in the hospital room. The boys stayed silent and gave me their full attention while I spoke. I took a deep breath and told them about everything that happened in the hospital room after they had left. I told them that we talked and then Liam just kissed me and how I kissed back.

"Ok well, we're not love doctors-" Louis started.

"I know. And I dont need love doctors. I just need advice." I interrupted.

"Yeah I was getting to that." Louis chuckled. "So you like Zayn and Liam, and you've kissed them both. But Liam has a girlfriend who is your bestfriend."

"Ya thanks Captain Obvious. We know that." I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Hey! Dont hate on the Boo Bear. I was just recapping." Louis replied.

"So this is past the whole wanting what Liam and Danielle have with Zayn thing?" Niall asked.

"I honestly don't know Nialler. But should I tell Danielle? I feel really bad but I don't want to lose her as a friend." I explained to them

"Yes well. That is reasonable." Louis said folding his hands and acting all professional. "But if you want to be a good friend you should tell her and maybe think you feelings over before choosing one of the guys."

"Wow Niall. You were right about Louis being an expert on love." I laughed.

"Well, you know." They said at the same time shrugging.

I sent them a confused look making them laugh. We stood up and I gave them each a hug before we walked back to the others in the waiting room.

"You know you guys may not be love doctors but you do give good advice." I told them as we walked down the hallway.

"We know." They said in sync. Creepy much? We walked with our arms linked together until we reached the waiting room. I walked back and sat in the spot I was in before we left and watched Zayn and Harry talk to Leah. You could tell that they were trying to keep the mood light with everything that has been happening. As I listened I realized that talking to the guys made me forget about one thing.

My dad.

He was still out there somewhere and I'm positive he's not going to give up. I don't know what I'm going to do about him but I do know that I can't let anyone else get hurt because of me.


A/N::::: And here you go! What'd you think? Sorry it took so long to update, I had family over and to be honest I was really lazy. I'll try and update a new chapter at least once a week if not more :) Hope you liked it though!

Can you believe Niall's an uncle? aww the pics were adorable!

Rip to Talia and Cory! <3


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